A set of Surface components based on Bootstrap 4 for Phoenix LiveView.
This project is heavily inspired by surface_bulma which is implemented and maintained by the author of Surface.
Note: This is not a full-featured suite of components yet.
More components will be added soon. Contributions are welcome!
- Container (with fluid support + Row, Col)
- Alerts (colors, closeable)
- Badge
- Breadcrumb
- Buttons (colors, sizes and states)
- Button group
- Card
- Carousel
- Collapse
- Dropdowns
- Forms
- Input group
- Jumbotron
- List group
- Media object
- Modal
- Navs (Nav, NavItem, NavLink)
- Navbar
- Pagination
- Popovers
- Progress (colors, animated and striped)
- Scrollspy
- Spinners
- Tables (striped, bordered, borderless, hoverable, dark)
- Toasts
- Tooltips
<Container fluid>
<Badge color="light">Light badge</Badge>
<Badge color="dark" pill>Dark pill badge</Badge>
<Button color="primary" size="lg">A large button</Button>
<Button color="secondary" block>A block button</Button>
<Button color="info" class={{"p-5", "m-3"}}>Button with custom/additional CSS classes</Button>
<Col><Alert color="primary">A primary alert</Alert></Col>
<Progress value=50 animated striped>50%</Progress>
<Row no_gutters>
<Col md="10" lg="6" xl="4">
<Nav pills>
<NavLink to="/" active>Active</NavLink>
<NavLink to="/sample">Sample</NavLink>
<NavLink to="/" disabled>Disabled</NavLink>
More examples can be found in the demo application.
Add surface_bootstrap4
to the list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:surface_bootstrap4, github: "tschmidleithner/surface_bootstrap4"}
To use Surface on plain Phoenix views with ~H
support, add the following import to your web file in lib/my_app_web.ex
# lib/my_app_web.ex
def view do
quote do
import Surface
You will also need to call Surface.init/1
in the mount function:
defmodule PageLive do
use Phoenix.LiveView
@impl Phoenix.LiveView
def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
socket = Surface.init(socket)
# ...
{:ok, socket}
defmodule NavComponent do
use Phoenix.LiveComponent
@impl Phoenix.LiveComponent
def mount(socket) do
socket = Surface.init(socket)
# ...
{:ok, socket}
To get started quickly when using Bootstrap 4 CSS styles, you can use the Bootstrap CDN
and add the following line to your root.html.leex
in the DOM head:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.5.0/css/bootstrap.min.css" integrity="sha384-9aIt2nRpC12Uk9gS9baDl411NQApFmC26EwAOH8WgZl5MYYxFfc+NcPb1dKGj7Sk" crossorigin="anonymous">
Copyright (c) 2020, Thomas Schmidleithner.
This code is licensed under the MIT License.