This is the official repository for multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) based on major-minor mean field control. It formally reduces certain MARL problems to single-agent reinforcement learning (RL), and then applies single-agent policy gradient methods (such as PPO) as a MARL algorithm. The implementation is based on MARLlib and writing a wrapper for MFC-type MARL problems, turning them into single-agent RL problems.
Create a python==3.8.17 environment, e.g.
python3.8 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
Install requirements:
pip install -r requirements_m3fc.txt
Then downgrade first two packages and install last two packages for MARLlib:
pip install wheel==0.38.4
pip install setuptools==66.0.0
pip install gym==0.20.0
pip install ma-gym==0.0.14
For MARLlib's integrated RLlib patch, install older protobuf version
pip install protobuf==3.20.2
Finally, patch RLlib using MARLlib's patch
python marllib/patch/ -y
To train, run the scripts in the examples folder, e.g. using Pycharm, or alternatively
cd ./examples
python ./
Results are saved in ./examples/exp_results
In the scripts, comment in the algorithm you want to use.
The environment config yaml files are in the marllib/envs/base_env/config folder.
For example to change the parameters of the env used by exp_0_cn_two_gaussians, edit the exp0.yaml file.
The training config yaml file is in the folder marllib/marl/algos/hyperparams/test. We have used mappo.yaml. ippo.yaml and ia2c.yaml.
Their corresponding scripts are in the folder marllib/marl/algos/scripts.
Once trained policies are available, the plotting can be done using the scripts in .examples/plotting folder.