Triphthong is a (currently, Polish-only) syllable counter and an (extremely poor) syllable splitter.
require 'triphthong'
text = 'Litwo! Ojczyzno moja!'
text.syllable_count #=> 7
text.has_caesura_after? 7 #=> true
text.rhyme_pattern #=> 'oja'
- improve #rhyme_pattern to pass Pan Tadeusz test
- add Balladyna, Beniowski, Monacho- and Antymonachomachia to fixtures
- handle laur/laurka/laurowy syllable counts
- update README with executable usage examples
- add syllable splitter
- support for other languages
© MMXI Piotr Szotkowski [email protected], licensed under AGPL 3 (see LICENCE)