This role installs git client with my preferred settings and attributes. It includes send-mail, gpg (gnupg2) and gerrit settings.
The git templates contain a pre-commit hook for all your new projects when you run git init
. This pre-commit hook runs pep8, pylint and pyflakes on all *py
files you commit.
See files/pre-commit for more details.
This role assumes you have previously installed:
- vim (my git preferred editor)
- gnupg2 and you have created your private key
It also assumes that the user's directory to which the homedir
is set to has been previously configured.
For example, my machines are configured to have my username set to tmoreira. Therefore, if I want to run this role to install git-client to my username then I will set the homedir
variable to
homedir: '/home/tmoreira'
The pre-commit hook script assumes you have PEP8, PyLint and PyFlakes installed.
homedir: '/home/foo' # git templates will be installed at:
# {{ homedir }} /.git_templates
user: # general git client user's settings
name: 'Foo' # user's full name
email: '[email protected]' # user's email
signingkey: '01234567' # user's GPG key
sendemail: # settings used by git-email
smtpuser: '[email protected]' # smtp server username
smtpserver: '' # smtp server address
smtpserverport: '587' # smtp server port (OPTIONAL)
smtpencryption: 'tls' # smtp encryption (OPTIONAL)
gitreview: # settings used by git-review
username: 'foo' # user's gerrit username
- hosts: servers
- git-client
Tiago M. Vieira -