Generic aspnet core app that can be easily rebranded for demos.
- Just click the DemoApp button in the Build toolbar
- Right click on the DemoApp project in the Solution Explorer in the tree and choose Publish...
- Verify the configuration settings, especially which registry the container image will be published to
- Click Publish
- Change the registry, repository, and image tag as needed in the /GitOps/yaml/app-deployment.yaml file
- Change the storage class and service type as needed in the app-deployment.yaml file
- Run
kubectl create -f <path to app-deployment.yaml file> -n <namespace>
- Wait for the db pod to come up completely
- Get the 'web-app' service endpoint by running
kubectl get services -n <namespace>
- Connect to the app service endpoint in your browser - port 80
- To redploy first run
kubectl delete -f <path to app-deployment.yaml file> -n <namespace>
and thenkubectl create -f <path to app-deployment.yaml file> -n <namespace>
Generally, you can search through the entire solution for "DEMO_CUSTOMIZATON" to find all the places where the code can be customized.
You will need to create your own container registry where you can push your modified images to and then you will need to change a few things as follows to publish to your registry and then deploy from there:
Create a container image repository someplace like Azure Container Registry (ACR)
Change the container registry in the GitOps/yaml/app-deployment.yaml file.
``` image:<tag> ```
Change the Publish profile configuration to also point to the container registry
Publish to make sure that end:end building and publishing to the container registry works
- Add new models in the Models folder (instructions)[]. Group new models by creating a new scenario-specific folder under Models. Example: /Models/MiningOperations/MiningCart
- Add additional DBContext classes in the DemoApp.Data namespace in DataSource.cs. See detailed instructions in the DataSource.cs file.
- Add a new Initialize method overload on the DbInitializer class in DbInitializer.cs See detailed instructions in the DbInitializer.cs file.
- Change the DbContext class name in Startup.cs in 2 places and in Program.cs in 1 place if you want to change to a different DbContext
- Right click on Controllers, select Add -> New Scaffold Item -> choose 'MVC Controller with views, using Entity Framework' -> fill out the form by selecting the class and DbContext. (Example)[]
- Find a different home page branding image on the web taking into consideration intellectual property rights. Add the new branding image to /DemoApp/wwwroot/images.
- Modify the display strings and cover branding image in appsettings.json.
- Change the database name in appsettings.json if needed
- In /DemoApp/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml, modify the menu layout by adding or commenting out different menu options/links to views as needed.