A pod to use Kafka with babashka.
It's mainly useful for simple kafka admin tasks (e.g list/create/delete topics) or for producing/consuming a few messages on demand.
It's entirely based on confluent-kafka-go, and exposes a small subset of the functions described in the API docs. See the examples below for what's available and how to use it.
go build
the pod and then (I need to figure out how to setup goreleaser with CGO to add a proper release with binaries):
(require '[babashka.pods])
(babashka.pods/load-pod ["./pod-tzzh-kafka"])
(require '[pod.tzzh.kafka :as k])
The underlying go kafka library is itself based on librdkafka and therefore shares the same config options see https://github.com/edenhill/librdkafka/blob/master/CONFIGURATION.md
(def admin-config
{"bootstrap.servers" "broker1.com:9094,broker2.com:9094"
"security.protocol" "ssl"
"ssl.ca.location" "./certs/cacert"
"ssl.key.location" "./certs/client_key"
"ssl.certificate.location" "./certs/client_cert"})
Call new-admin-client
with a config argument to create an admin client on the pod.
The pod will return the name of the admin client that you can then pass back to the pod to use admin client functions.
(def admin-client
(k/new-admin-client admin-config))
;; e.g returns "admin-rdkafka#producer-1"
(k/get-metadata admin-client)
;; e.g to list all the topics
(-> (k/get-metadata admin-client)
(k/create-topics admin-client [{:Topic "test-test-test"
:NumPartitions 2
:ReplicationFactor 3}])
(k/delete-topics admin-client ["test-test-test"])
To create a producer call new-producer
with a config and then you can produce messages synchronously by calling produce
as shown below
(def producer (k/new-producer admin-config))
(k/produce producer "test-test-test" 0 "asdsadas")
;; the first argument is the topic name, second one is the partition (use nil for any partition) and third one is the value (only string for now)
(k/close-producer producer) ;; to decommission the producer
To create a consumer call new-consumer
with a config and then you can consume message individually with read-message
. The value is base64 encoded but can be decoded as java.util.Base64
is part of babashka as shown in the example below.
(def consumer
(k/new-consumer (merge admin-config {"group.id" "myGroup"
"auto.offset.reset" "earliest"})))
(k/subscribe-topics consumer ["test-test-test"])
(k/read-message consumer 5000) ;; the argument is a timeout in ms and will return a message if there is one or nil if it times out
;; to decode a base64 encoded string value
(defn decode-base64-str
(-> (java.util.Base64/getDecoder)
(.decode s)
(some-> (k/read-message consumer 5000)
(k/close-consumer consumer) ;; to commit final offsets and leave the consumer group
For debugging set the environment variable POD_TZZH_KAFKA_DEBUG=true
and the logs will show in stderr.