An educational project focusing on management ExoMars and emulation environment on another planet, presenting a simplified mechanical design with a didactic and friendly interface, using a camera for navigation and a microscope for better observation
People have created models of the NASA Curiosity rover—this project would try to test actual functionality using robotic hardware/software. Build a functional robotic model of the ExoMars rover for educational purposes. Program collision-avoidance strategies. Plans should be open hardware and made available to the public.
The project aims to give people a resource with which they will learn to operate a robot through a friendly-user interface and intuitive control. The interface is designed to create a virtual environment that emulates the view on another planet and thus meet in a better way in the educational part of the project. The robot model aims to present ideas to a simplified design that allows for lower power consumption, redesigning the mechanics to reduce engine movement, plus the possibility to add a microscope for analysis of materials and items of interest.
- Cerebro Source code about complex hardware control.
- Controladores Source code about move control and basic hardware .
- disenio-grafico Source code and desing files about graphics interface.
- disenio-mecanico Source code and desing files about mechanics.
- Servidor Source code about configuration server.
- Utiles Support files.
Name: Melanie Andrea Alba Sossa
email: [email protected]
Telephone: +591 70307059
Skills: Space Lover
Name: Emanuel Acosta Gutierrez
email: [email protected]
Telephone: +591 79729837
Skills: Space Lover
Name: Joshua Valdez Arratia
email: [email protected]
Telephone: +591 70633248
Skills: Video Game Designer
Name: Gonzalo Nina Mamani
email: [email protected]
Telephone: +591 72703779
Skills: Hacker
Name: Pablo Andres Añez Ferrufino
email: [email protected]
Telephone: +591 76482648
Skills: Hacker
Nombre: Ubaldino Zurita
email: [email protected]
Telephone: +591 74312946
Skills: Hacker
Nombre: Daniel Cabero Choque
email: [email protected]
Telephone: +591 65363172
Skills: Electronic Designer
Nombre: Sergio Sanchez Castellon
email: [email protected]
Telephone: +591 70374087
Skills: Electronic Designer
Nombre: Carlos Eduardo Caballero Burgoa
email: [email protected]
Telephone: +591 65780762
Skills: Hacker
Nombre: Luis Rodrigo Orellana Ferrufino
email: [email protected]
Telephone: +591 75972751
Skills: Mechanics Designer
Nombre: Fernando Zurita Villafan
email: [email protected]
Telephone: +591 60524726
Skills: Mechanics Designer