This repository is related to the Java Web Developer (ND035 v1), Course - Data Stores and Persistence.
It contains the following folders:
- exercises: Contains the classroom exercises
- P03-ReviewsAPI-Midterm-Starter
- P03-ReviewsAPI-Midterm-Solution
- P03-ReviewsAPI-Final-Starter
Each project folder contains a project README file that has the instructions to follow.
Note Generally, you cannot clone a particular folder to your local system. Instead, you clone the entire repository, as explained below:
Make a copy of this repository in your Github account. You can do so by clicking Fork
on the top right corner of this repository.
Copy the repository HTTP URL, such as
Clone (download) the repository locally in your system by run the following (sample) commands in your terminal (macOS/Linux)/Gitbash (Windows). In the first command, use the HTTPS URL copied in the step above.
git clone
cd nd035-v1-C3-Data-Stores-and-Persistence
Next, you can import the individual projects or exercises in your IDE. For help in cloning or importing, refer to the Instructions to import a project.