The ./test folder contains two scripts that can be run in order to test this tool:
- ./test/ starts an http server in localhost:8000 on the ./test folder
- ./ runs the ./ with the required arguments:
- a txt file with link downloads
- an export folder
- These scripts expect to have a a python3 virtual environment running that has python-dotenv installed.
- Please note that even though there is a ./test folder, this tool is not unit-tested.
- The .env file must be set up for each computer.
- The ./maya folder contains files related to the maya environment, and can be reused in other applications.
- The maya scripts were written for Maya2022, which has a python3.7 interpreter by default. This tool won't work with previous versions of Maya, although translating these scripts into python2.7 wouldn't be much work.
- All pyhton libraries are builtin except for python-dotenv, which must be installed.
- The CLI format was chosen so that in can be easily sent to a farm, however implementing it as a GUI would be very easy and fast
- The naming convention of the images can be arranged in any way as long as it contains:
- The name of the FBX file
- The name of the material it belongs to
- A tag that represents a map type (BC, R, N, O etc.) which must be specified in the config.json file.
- I.E.:
- 'T_{fbxfilename}_{materialname}_O'
- '{fbxfilename}_O_{materialname}_O'
- '{resolution}_O_{fbxfilename}_{prjname}_{materialname}'