pip install wikidot
You can use this library without logging in, but you can only use the features that do not require logging in.
import wikidot
# Create a new Client class and logging in with the credentials of your wikidot account
# If you don't want to log in : with wikidot.Client() as client:
with wikidot.Client(username='input-your-name', password='input-your-password') as client:
# ------
# user features
# ------
# Get the user object of the user
user = client.user.get('input-a-username')
# Bulk execution by asynchronous request
users = client.user.get_bulk(['input-a-username', 'input-another-username'])
# ------
# site features
# ------
# Get the site object of the SCP Foundation
site = client.site.get('scp-wiki')
# invite a user to the site
# Get all unprocessed applications for the site
applications = site.get_applications()
# process an application
for application in applications:
# or
# ------
# page features
# ------
# Search pages by some criteria
# NOTE: The search criteria are the same as in the ListPages module
pages = site.pages.search(
tags=["tag1", "tag2"], # You can also use the "tag1 -tag2" syntax
order="created_at desc desc",
# Get the page object of the SCP-001
page = site.page.get('scp-001')
# destroy a page
# ------
# private message features
# ------
# Get messages in your inbox
received_messages = client.private_message.get_inbox()
# Get messages in your sent box
sent_messages = client.private_message.get_sentbox()
# Get message by id
# NOTE: You can only get the message that you have received or sent
message = client.private_message.get(123456)
# Bulk execution by asynchronous request
messages = client.private_message.get_messages([123456, 123457])
# Send a message to a user
body='Hello, world!'