Relevance Feedback corpus for Legal Information Retrieval.
How to cite: Vitório, D., Souza, E., Martins, L. et al. Building a relevance feedback corpus for legal information retrieval in the real-case scenario of the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies. Lang Resources & Evaluation (2024).
BibTeX citation:
author = {Vit{\'o}rio, Douglas
and Souza, Ellen
and Martins, Lucas
and da Silva, N{\'a}dia F. F.
and de Carvalho, Andr{\'e} Carlos Ponce de Leon
and Oliveira, Adriano L. I.
and de Andrade, Francisco Edmundo},
title = {Building a relevance feedback corpus for legal information retrieval in
the real-case scenario of the {B}razilian {C}hamber of {D}eputies},
year = {2024},
doi = {10.1007/s10579-024-09767-3},
journal = {Language Resources and Evaluation}
Contact: [email protected]
Dataset containing legislative proposals from the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies, with the following attributes:
- code - the bill's ID;
- sig_tipo - the bill's type, from eight different ones: Recommendation (Indicação - INC); Legislative Decree Project (Projeto de Decreto Legislativo - PDL or PDC); Law Project (Projeto de Lei - PL); Inspection and Control Proposal (Proposta de Fiscalização e Controle - PFC); Complementary Law Project (Projeto de Lei Complementar - PLP or PLC); Resolution Project (Projeto de Resolução - PRC or PRN); Conversion Law Project (Projeto de Lei de Conversão - PLV); and Constitutional Amendment Proposal (Proposta de Emenda Constituicional - PEC);
- name - the bill's name, informing its type, number, and year, e.g., "PL 5634/2019";
- text_ementa - the bill's summary;
- em_tramitacao - whether the bill is active or not;
- situacao - the bill's status at the moment, e.g., "awaiting reply", "awaiting dispatch", "awaiting submission to the Senate";
- text - the bill itself, in plain text;
- text_preprocessed - the bill's text pre-processed with the same techniques presented in Souza et al. (2021).
Dataset containing queries, a list of retrieved documents and their relevance judgements, with the following attributes:
- id - the query's ID;
- query - the query's plain text;
- user_feedback - the record of the feedback given by the expert;
- extra_results - the list of relevant documents not retrieved by the model and provided by the expert;
- date_created - the timestamp of feedback;
- num_doc_feedback - number of documents judged for each query;
- extra_results_size - size of the list of extra_results.
The user_feedback attribute contains a dictionary with the following keys:
- id - the name of the document;
- class - the relevance level for the document: "i" for irrelevant, "r" for very relevant, or "pr" for somewhat relevant (translated as "pouco relevante" in Portuguese);
- score - the BM25L score for that document;
- normalized_score - the score normalized between 0 and 1.