Add developer docs for connecting apps #3603
Garnix CI / check devnet-eth-runs [x86_64-linux]
Jan 25, 2025 in 1m 25s
Run results
Build succeeded
Last 100 lines of logs:
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.513189] ee109bb02e5b[937]: [v] Banner ads�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.513608] ee109bb02e5b[937]: [v] Text ads�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.514021] ee109bb02e5b[937]: [ ] Beacon chain�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.518485] ee109bb02e5b[937]: [ ] Bridged tokens�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.518887] ee109bb02e5b[937]: [ ] Blockchain interaction (writing to contract, etc.)�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.522153] ee109bb02e5b[937]: [ ] Export data to CSV file�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.522580] ee109bb02e5b[937]: [ ] Data availability�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.522977] ee109bb02e5b[937]: [v] Gas tracker�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.528736] ee109bb02e5b[937]: [ ] Google analytics�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.529287] ee109bb02e5b[937]: [v] GraphQL API documentation�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.533049] ee109bb02e5b[937]: [ ] GrowthBook feature flagging and A/B testing�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.533599] systemd[1]: run-docker-runtime\x2drunc-moby-27d85fd3f52115b2e5ab0e63165ebddc03265ef50bd0beaaefd8148f9252a7b2-runc.wvpDDt.mount: Deactivated successfully.�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.537703] ee109bb02e5b[937]: [ ] Marketplace�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.540155] ee109bb02e5b[937]: [ ] MetaSuites extension�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.541049] ee109bb02e5b[937]: [ ] Mixpanel analytics�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.542072] ee109bb02e5b[937]: [ ] Name service integration�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.547031] ee109bb02e5b[937]: [v] REST API documentation�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.547511] ee109bb02e5b[937]: [ ] Rollup (L2) chain�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.549029] ee109bb02e5b[937]: [ ] Safe address tags�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.550345] ee109bb02e5b[937]: [ ] Sentry error monitoring�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.556403] ee109bb02e5b[937]: [v] Solidity to UML diagrams�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.556917] ee109bb02e5b[937]: [v] Blockchain statistics�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.563052] ee109bb02e5b[937]: [ ] SUAVE chain�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.563575] ee109bb02e5b[937]: [ ] Swap button�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.567102] ee109bb02e5b[937]: [ ] Transaction interpretation�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.570050] ee109bb02e5b[937]: [ ] User operations�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.573042] ee109bb02e5b[937]: [ ] Validators list�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.573524] ee109bb02e5b[937]: [ ] Verified tokens info�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.575051] ee109bb02e5b[937]: [v] Web3 wallet integration (add token or network to the wallet)�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.577066] ee109bb02e5b[937]:�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.578040] ee109bb02e5b[937]: Starting Next.js application�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.580039] 24ebf63e7119[937]: / /docker-entrypoint.d/ is not empty, will attempt to perform configuration�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.584040] 24ebf63e7119[937]: / Looking for shell scripts in /docker-entrypoint.d/�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.585480] 24ebf63e7119[937]: / Launching /docker-entrypoint.d/�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.590299] 24ebf63e7119[937]: info: Getting the checksum of /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.594203] 24ebf63e7119[937]: info: Enabled listen on IPv6 in /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.597648] 24ebf63e7119[937]: / Sourcing /docker-entrypoint.d/15-local-resolvers.envsh�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.600223] 24ebf63e7119[937]: / Launching /docker-entrypoint.d/�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.603557] 24ebf63e7119[937]: Running envsubst on /etc/nginx/templates/microservice.conf.template to /etc/nginx/conf.d/microservice.conf�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.608750] 24ebf63e7119[937]: Running envsubst on /etc/nginx/templates/default.conf.template to /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.613882] 24ebf63e7119[937]: / Launching /docker-entrypoint.d/�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.618784] 24ebf63e7119[937]: / Configuration complete; ready for start up�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.623776] 24ebf63e7119[937]: 2025/01/15 17:21:07 [warn] 1#1: conflicting server name "localhost" on, ignored�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.629701] 24ebf63e7119[937]: nginx: [warn] conflicting server name "localhost" on, ignored�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.633961] 24ebf63e7119[937]: 2025/01/15 17:21:07 [warn] 1#1: conflicting server name "localhost" on, ignored�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.637397] 24ebf63e7119[937]: nginx: [warn] conflicting server name "localhost" on, ignored�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.642121] 24ebf63e7119[937]: 2025/01/15 17:21:07 [notice] 1#1: using the "epoll" event method�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.642720] 24ebf63e7119[937]: 2025/01/15 17:21:07 [notice] 1#1: nginx/1.25.4�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.648616] 24ebf63e7119[937]: 2025/01/15 17:21:07 [notice] 1#1: built by gcc 12.2.0 (Debian 12.2.0-14)�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.651862] 24ebf63e7119[937]: 2025/01/15 17:21:07 [notice] 1#1: OS: Linux 6.1.33�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.657847] 24ebf63e7119[937]: 2025/01/15 17:21:07 [notice] 1#1: getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE): 1048576:1048576�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.662298] dhcpcd[716]: vethadfd9e0: soliciting a DHCP lease�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.662853] 24ebf63e7119[937]: 2025/01/15 17:21:07 [notice] 1#1: start worker processes�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 252.665511] 24ebf63e7119[937]: 2025/01/15 17:21:07 [notice] 1#1: start worker process 38�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 253.331639] ee109bb02e5b[937]: �[1m�[35m�[1m▲�[22m�[1m Next.js 13.5.4�[39m�[22m�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 253.332613] arion-devnet-eth-start[3632]: devnet-eth-blockscout-frontend-1 | �[1m�[35m�[1m▲�[22m�[1m Next.js 13.5.4�[39m�[22m�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 253.335133] ee109bb02e5b[937]: - Local: http://ee109bb02e5b:3000�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 253.335659] arion-devnet-eth-start[3632]: devnet-eth-blockscout-frontend-1 | - Local: http://ee109bb02e5b:3000�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 253.337323] ee109bb02e5b[937]: - Network:�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 253.337888] arion-devnet-eth-start[3632]: devnet-eth-blockscout-frontend-1 | - Network:�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 253.339650] ee109bb02e5b[937]:�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 253.339956] arion-devnet-eth-start[3632]: devnet-eth-blockscout-frontend-1 |�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 253.342503] ee109bb02e5b[937]: �[32m�[1m✓�[22m�[39m Ready in 1621ms�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 253.342992] arion-devnet-eth-start[3632]: devnet-eth-blockscout-frontend-1 | �[32m�[1m✓�[22m�[39m Ready in 1621ms�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 254.431467] systemd[1]: run-docker-runtime\x2drunc-moby-fbf8c36f9d504b35ecda9c9d9d858134c149c91ed5ccd5deba7be3c8ad182b7f-runc.vLD3N5.mount: Deactivated successfully.�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 254.564686] systemd[1]: run-docker-runtime\x2drunc-moby-e6271ea9e036e2d5eae0650300e5584a0a6d42e2f71d88d1731862d119e6382c-runc.DbQvNs.mount: Deactivated successfully.�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 255.002769] dhcpcd[716]: vetha4a5f00: no IPv6 Routers available�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 256.175779] systemd[1]: run-docker-runtime\x2drunc-moby-416df0b973b1fe28d89790319af36b657141f350a65b83ea1e3efcd6a952f1fd-runc.N7oeKc.mount: Deactivated successfully.�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 256.297632] 416df0b973b1[937]: �[36mDEBUG�[0m[01-15|17:21:12.960] Served eth_getBlockByNumber �[36mconn�[0m= �[36mreqid�[0m=1 �[36mduration�[0m="202.539µs"�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 256.299267] arion-devnet-eth-start[3632]: devnet-eth-geth-1 | �[36mDEBUG�[0m[01-15|17:21:12.960] Served eth_getBlockByNumber �[36mconn�[0m= �[36mreqid�[0m=1 �[36mduration�[0m="202.539µs"�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 256.353954] 27d85fd3f521[937]: Eph 0/2 3.007[network] �[32minfo�[39m: libp2p worker started peer=16Uiu2HAkxJsvn91Rgxb2vtcxMPwShTeNYpxr2X3YPRsisNxZGUc5�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 256.355416] arion-devnet-eth-start[3632]: devnet-eth-lodestar-1 | Eph 0/2 3.007[network] �[32minfo�[39m: libp2p worker started peer=16Uiu2HAkxJsvn91Rgxb2vtcxMPwShTeNYpxr2X3YPRsisNxZGUc5�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 257.727182] systemd[1]: run-docker-runtime\x2drunc-moby-27d85fd3f52115b2e5ab0e63165ebddc03265ef50bd0beaaefd8148f9252a7b2-runc.fNuWyz.mount: Deactivated successfully.�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 259.419388] dhcpcd[716]: veth7aac08a: no IPv6 Routers available�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 259.850707] 27d85fd3f521[937]: Eph 0/3 0.510[network] �[31merror�[39m: PeerDiscovery: discv5 has no boot enr�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 259.852124] arion-devnet-eth-start[3632]: devnet-eth-lodestar-1 | Eph 0/3 0.510[network] �[31merror�[39m: PeerDiscovery: discv5 has no boot enr�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 259.946291] 27d85fd3f521[937]: Eph 0/3 0.610[network] �[32minfo�[39m: PeerId 16Uiu2HAkxJsvn91Rgxb2vtcxMPwShTeNYpxr2X3YPRsisNxZGUc5, Multiaddrs /ip4/�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 259.947847] arion-devnet-eth-start[3632]: devnet-eth-lodestar-1 | Eph 0/3 0.610[network] �[32minfo�[39m: PeerId 16Uiu2HAkxJsvn91Rgxb2vtcxMPwShTeNYpxr2X3YPRsisNxZGUc5, Multiaddrs /ip4/�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 260.344944] 27d85fd3f521[937]: Eph 0/3 0.536[network] �[32minfo�[39m: discv5 worker started peerId=16Uiu2HAkxJsvn91Rgxb2vtcxMPwShTeNYpxr2X3YPRsisNxZGUc5, initialENR=enr:-IO4QF6GskB9VPe-EZauWnak9eAfIX_diasC_5rzAaDS1QulMOk88aMgtKZVrTB5Bo_g-ZZFU9uv8L0VeLPYWA_Qa7QBgmlkgnY0iXNlY3AyNTZrMaECKtWBOhC884fhhAJPQEzcYSFReVAeYhUlRvfggaz6R7aDdGNwgiMog3VkcIIjKA, bindAddr4=/ip4/�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 260.347861] arion-devnet-eth-start[3632]: devnet-eth-lodestar-1 | Eph 0/3 0.536[network] �[32minfo�[39m: discv5 worker started peerId=16Uiu2HAkxJsvn91Rgxb2vtcxMPwShTeNYpxr2X3YPRsisNxZGUc5, initialENR=enr:-IO4QF6GskB9VPe-EZauWnak9eAfIX_diasC_5rzAaDS1QulMOk88aMgtKZVrTB5Bo_g-ZZFU9uv8L0VeLPYWA_Qa7QBgmlkgnY0iXNlY3AyNTZrMaECKtWBOhC884fhhAJPQEzcYSFReVAeYhUlRvfggaz6R7aDdGNwgiMog3VkcIIjKA, bindAddr4=/ip4/�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 261.517196] systemd[1]: run-docker-runtime\x2drunc-moby-416df0b973b1fe28d89790319af36b657141f350a65b83ea1e3efcd6a952f1fd-runc.pBmaT6.mount: Deactivated successfully.�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 261.663460] 416df0b973b1[937]: �[36mDEBUG�[0m[01-15|17:21:18.326] Served eth_getBlockByNumber �[36mconn�[0m= �[36mreqid�[0m=1 �[36mduration�[0m="184.38µs"�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 261.665110] arion-devnet-eth-start[3632]: devnet-eth-geth-1 | �[36mDEBUG�[0m[01-15|17:21:18.326] Served eth_getBlockByNumber �[36mconn�[0m= �[36mreqid�[0m=1 �[36mduration�[0m="184.38µs"�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 261.708299] 27d85fd3f521[937]: Eph 0/3 2.365[rest] �[32minfo�[39m: Started REST API server address=�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 261.709647] arion-devnet-eth-start[3632]: devnet-eth-lodestar-1 | Eph 0/3 2.365[rest] �[32minfo�[39m: Started REST API server address=�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 261.732782] 27d85fd3f521[937]: Eph 0/3 2.391[rest] �[33mwarn�[39m: REST API server is exposed, ensure untrusted traffic cannot reach this API�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 261.734166] arion-devnet-eth-start[3632]: devnet-eth-lodestar-1 | Eph 0/3 2.391[rest] �[33mwarn�[39m: REST API server is exposed, ensure untrusted traffic cannot reach this API�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 261.749244] 27d85fd3f521[937]: Eph 0/3 2.412[] �[32minfo�[39m: Synced - slot: 3 - head: (slot -3) 0xcbd9…337b - exec-block: valid(0 0xadaa…) - finalized: 0x0000…0000:0 - peers: 0�[0m
(finished: waiting for Synced - slot: [1-9][0-9]* to appear on console, in 29.47 seconds)
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 261.750898] arion-devnet-eth-start[3632]: devnet-eth-lodestar-1 | Eph 0/3 2.412[] �[32minfo�[39m: Synced - slot: 3 - head: (slot -3) 0xcbd9…337b - exec-block: valid(0 0xadaa…) - finalized: 0x0000…0000:0 - peers: 0�[0m
(finished: run the VM test script, in 262.41 seconds)
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 261.836950] 27d85fd3f521[937]: Eph 0/3 2.499[] �[32minfo�[39m: Lodestar network=dev, version=v1.15.1/1857a49, commit=1857a49404f2ad965025333f0f6b3422d4c1943f�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 261.839654] 27d85fd3f521[937]: Eph 0/3 2.500[] �[32minfo�[39m: Connecting to LevelDB database path=/root/.local/share/lodestar/dev/validator-db�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 261.842932] arion-devnet-eth-start[3632]: devnet-eth-lodestar-1 | Eph 0/3 2.499[] �[32minfo�[39m: Lodestar network=dev, version=v1.15.1/1857a49, commit=1857a49404f2ad965025333f0f6b3422d4c1943f�[0m
test script finished in 262.48s
kill machine (pid 6)
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 261.861316] arion-devnet-eth-start[3632]: devnet-eth-lodestar-1 | Eph 0/3 2.500[] �[32minfo�[39m: Connecting to LevelDB database path=/root/.local/share/lodestar/dev/validator-dbqemu-kvm: terminating on signal 15 from pid 4 (/nix/store/6qk2ybm2yx2dxmx9h4dikr1shjhhbpfr-python3-3.10.11/bin/python3.10)�[0m
(finished: cleanup, in 0.56 seconds)
kill vlan (pid 5)