GOPROXY=direct go get -u
The project is designed to allow us to parse Terraform scripts written by developers and ensure they will run inside Unity CS. This includes adding networking information, ensuring mandatory tags are applied and more. Because the developers wont know the network topology of the AWS account the project is being deployed into, they need to be structred in a way that allows us to add this information in at deploy time.
This project parses the scripts, looks up blocks and attributes and makes the required adjustments, adding, removing or appending blocks with the correct information.
- Support for mandatory Unity Tags
- Support for VPC and Subnet injection
- A PC
- Some terraform scripts
- The Unity CS Terraform Transformer Binary
- Grab binary from Packages page.
- Open a terminal.
protoc --proto_path=unity-management-console/protobuf --go_out=internal/marketplace/ --go_opt=paths=source_relative config.proto extensions.proto marketplace.proto
2. $> ./terraform-transformer parser -t tom -p test --creator [email protected]
--venue dev --servicearea cs --capability hysds --capversion 0.0.1
--release G1.0.0 --component python --securityplan 644 --exposed true
--experimental false --userfacing true --critinfra 2 --project testproj
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