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Girder-Ghost Theme (Blog)

This is a startup theme for the Ghost platform. Its also a copy of my environment for playing with NodeJS, Sass, Girder and other neat tools made for Javascript apps. I use it as a starting template for themes and other experiments.

Using the theme

All you need to do is copy the files in this repo to the theme folder in your Ghost installation: /content/themes/girder-ghost/. Enable the theme in the admin panel then you can add your own background, logo, etc... That's it, you are done!

Dev. Tasks (for the $Ninja in you)

The source files are included in the /_source/ folder. This theme's development environment requires Grunt ~0.4.0. The project already contains a Gruntfile.js pre-configured to test, build and release using an asset pipeline. To get started check that you have the dependencies required to build the project, then install the NPM modules and bower components:

sudo npm install

Depending on your setup you may need to also issue these commands:

bower install
sudo bundle install

** Start your task **


If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to install and use Grunt plugins.

Environment dependencies

Ruby (v1.9.x and up) is needed, to check Ruby is installed on your machine use ruby -v. Other Dev dependencies include:

  • Bundler (Ruby gem package manager)
  • NodeJS 0.10x
  • Bower
  • Compass / Sass
  • Breakpoint Gem


A free theme for a Ghost blog powered by NodeJS







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