This repository provides 3D printing (STL files, 3MF projects) and CAD (Blender, FreeCAD) files to produce the mechanical parts of Upkie wheeled bipeds.

We maintain this separate repository because the full revision history of hardware parts is memory-consuming. Only part designers should have to clone this repository; most users will just clone the main upkie repository.
Assembly files are also available to check out the overall robot:
: Blender projectupkie.stl
: STL model
This repository uses Git LFS to distribute large files. You will need to install Git LFS for your operating system. For instance, on a Debian-based Linux distribution:
sudo apt install git-lfs
If you cloned this repository with Git LFS installed, all files will be in your working directory. If you cloned the repository without Git LFS, you can pull large files by git lfs pull
Provisional connector to attach a 60x60x25 mm, 24 V DC fan to Upkie's head. Helps avoid thermal throttling when the robot actively balances for more than one hour.
Regular handle to grab the robot and move it around.

A small part to hold the on-off switch, and have it easy to access on the side of the robot.
- Build instructions: printing and assembling a new Upkie
- Discussions: around Upkie's hardware and software
- mjbots/quad: an open-source quadruped from which torso meshes in Upkie were initially imported