Urbi UI is a native urbiscript client capable of displaying widgets to graph, monitor and edit urbiscript variables.
Either get a binary release, or run from source:
- Clone the repository and cd into the urbiui subdirectory.
npm install
npm start
Simply type the host:port to connect to in the command text field and hit enter. You can ommit the ":port" part, it will default to 54000.
Type your Urbiscript commands in the command text field and hit return to send (don't forget the ';' separator).
You can also type longuer pieces of code in the right textarea and hit the "Send" button.
Use the up and down arrow to browse your command history. Hit alt-R for a reverse-search.
Widget are created by typing special commands prefixed with a '#'.
- "#graph EXPR" will poll EXPR and graph it using a line chart.
- "#show EXPR" will poll and show the current value of EXPR.
- "#edit EXPR" will show and allow you to edit (if it's a lvalue) EXPR.
- "#slider MIN MAX EXPR" will show and edit using a slider with given bounds.
- "#button label code" will create a button that will send CODE when clicked.
Buttons can also be created using code in the text area by using "To button"
You can prefix a command by "#in GNAME " and it will group the widgets in a parent component, creating it if necessary.
You can save the state by typing "#save filebase", you will be prompted to save "filebase.json" on your hard drive.
You can later on reload a state by hitting the bottom-right "choose file" button.
You can define a prelude Urbiscript code to send when a state is loaded. Type it in the text area and hit "save prelude" before saving.
The connected Urbiscript client listens on the 'command' channel for commands. You can then create new widgets from code using for instance:
Channel.new("command") << "#graph x";