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Andrea Barisani edited this page Feb 12, 2025 · 21 revisions

Go standard library support

The GOOS=tamago target maintains full language and standard library support, stdlib is tested using original distribution tests, status is tracked through a tamago-go GitHub workflow:

GitHub release Build Status

Distribution tests are executed by mocking the required runtime support, implemented with bare metal drivers under GOOS=tamago, with a bridge to standard Linux system calls.

The testing environment for AMD64, ARM and RISCV64 architectures runs under Linux natively or using qemu-system-x86_64, qemu-system-arm and qemu-system-riscv64 via binfmt_misc respectively.

The following test runs can be executed within a built TamaGo compiler on a natively supported architecture or cross-compiling with the relevant GOARCH override.

Standard distribution tests:

GO_BUILDER_NAME=tamago GOOS=tamago bin/go tool dist test

##### Testing packages.
ok      archive/tar     0.098s
ok      archive/zip     0.054s
ok      bufio   0.033s
ok      crypto/x509     0.226s


Individual package(s):

GOOS=tamago bin/go test -tags fakenet runtime net crypto/tls
ok      runtime 2.504s
ok      net     0.862s
ok      crypto/tls      0.218s


the fakenet tag is required for testing individual packages making network API calls


runtime flags (e.g. -run) are ignored due to lack of os.Args support under bare metal, for this reason -test.short is always assumed

Go application limitations

Most applications and libraries are not limited under GOOS=tamago, caveats are common with existing single-threaded Go behavior:

  • There is no thread support and GOMAXPROCS is fixed to 1, this also means that Go >= 1.14 asynchronous preemption for Goroutines is not supported (just like js/wasm). Therefore avoid starving the scheduler.

  • Just like Go js/wasm blocking functions which are not executed in a new goroutine, while no other goroutine is running, will cause a deadlock (similar to this and this). As long as you never sleep in your main function without anything else going on this is quite natural to avoid.

  • Due to the intrinsic nature of a bare metal application: there is no OS, there are no users, there are no signals, there are no environment variables. This can be seen as a feature, rather than a limitation.

  • Applications which import packages that rely on unsupported system calls may not compile or work as expected (for instance terminal prompt packages will not be able to access syscall.SYS_IOCTL).

  • Cgo is not supported.

  • Care must be taken with direct or indirect (e.g. dependencies) use of the atomic package due to the last of these bugs. This is a generic Go issue not specific to TamaGo, but possible due to TamaGo main targets being 32-bit ones.

Board support packages

Processor support packages


External drivers

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