EnhancedRecyclerView is an improved version of Android RecyclerView, highly optimized internally for the best performance. It also provides functionality that allows you to implement various common tasks with a minimum amount of code.
In your root build.gradle:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
In your app/build.gradle:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.utkonos-online-shop.EnhancedRecyclerView:1.0.0'
In your layout.xml:
android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
Then in code:
class MyAdapter : EnhancedRecyclerView.Adapter<MyItemDataClass, MyItemViewHolder>() {
val adapter = MyAdapter()
Or you can write no code at all if you make the implementation using data binding
EnhancedRecyclerView automatically saves and restores its scroll position during onSaveInstanceState
and onRestoreInstanceState
. Morover, it also saves the state of its items. For example, the scroll position of a nested RecyclerView will also be automatically saved.
The state of an item is saved both during onSaveInstanceState
and when scrolling away from that item. In this case, when scrolling back to that item, its state is restored.
For item state saving to work, the corresponding item data class must be identifiable. Also do not forget to set id to your item view (different item views may have the same id).
EnhancedRecyclerView allows you to create nested RecyclerViews that work perfectly without any artifacts. You don't need to write any special code for this, just use EnhancedRecyclerView as your nested RecyclerView.
EnhancedRecyclerView can observe its data list. In this case, when the list is updated, the corresponding updates will be made in the UI. For example, if you call myDataList.remove(item)
, the corresponding item will be immediately removed from the screen, and you don't need to call adapter.notifyItemRemoved(position)
For this functionality to work, your data list must be androidx.databinding.ObservableArrayList
EnhancedRecyclerView supports three types of behaviour: sroll, centring scroll, swipe. To set them, use attribute app:behaviour
EnhancedRecyclerView has an unprecedented way of initialization, without writing any program code at all. That is, you do not need to create an adapter and call methods on the RecyclerView. This is achieved through Android DataBinding. All you have to do is set two attributes in xml: list
and getItemLayout
getItemLayout="@{(itemPosition, itemData) -> @layout/layout_my_item}"
android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
<variable name="itemPosition" type="Integer" />
<variable name="itemData" type="MyItemDataClass" />
android:text="@{itemData.text}" />
How it works:
- You set your data list to the
attribute - You return your item's layout resource in
function, based onitemPosition
and your data list item under that position (itemData
) - The adapter is generated automatically based on the bound data
- In your item layout xml, you create two variables (each is optional):
. And inonBindViewHolder
of the generated Adapter, the corresponding values will be set to these variables
More attributes:
onItemCreated="@{(viewHolder) -> }"
onItemBound="@{(viewHolder) -> }"
onItemRecycled="@{(viewHolder) -> }"
onItemIsFullyVisible="@{(viewHolder) -> }"
EnhancedRecyclerView provides the ability to conveniently work with DiffUtils. In this case you need to implement ru.utkonos.enhanced_recycler_vew.Diffable
interface to your item data class.
By default, the diff is calculated based on the equality of instances of your item data class. But you can also minimize the difference by excluding fields that are not involved in the display. This can be done in a Kotlin-friendly manner using data classes. To do this, implement ru.utkonos.enhanced_recycler_vew.DiffableWithSameClass
data class MyItemDataClass(
// Properties required for display
override val id: Long,
val name: String,
// Properties not involved in display
val code: UUID,
val groupId: Long
) : DiffableWithSameClass<MyItemDataClass> {
// Set the values from the current object to the compared object to exclude them from diff
override fun minimizeDiff(other: MyItemDataClass) =
other.copy(code = code, groupId = groupId)
Note that to use Diffable
interface you need to implement id
, because this interface extends Identifiable
EnhancedRecyclerView allows you to do pagination in a very simple way. All you need to do is set an interface for loading next page. There are several types of these interfaces and here are examples of all their implementations:
recycler_view.apply {
val offset = this.currentList.size
synchronousGetNextPage = {
// return List
getNextPageOnCallback = { onSuccess, onError ->
val result = myDataSource.getPage(offset)
// pass List
suspendGetNextPage = suspend {
// return List
getNextPageSingle = {
// return Single<List>
Choose one interface that best suits the data loading logic in your application.
If you return null or an empty list it means the end of the list and your interface will no longer be called.
By default, your interface will be automatically called when you scroll to the middle of the last page. You can change this logic like this:
// Next page loading will start after scrolling below 1/4 of the last page
recycler_view.getPositionToLoadNextPage = {
recycler_view.currentList.size - recycler_view.lastPage.size / 4
You can also do it with DataBinding via one of the following attributes:
synchronousGetNextPage="@{(currentList) -> }"
getNextPageOnCallback="@{(currentList, onSuccess, onError) -> }"
getNextPageSingle="@{(currentList) -> }"
getPositionToLoadNextPage="@{(currentList, lastPage) -> }"
For different pupuses EnhancedRecyclerView needs to identificate its items. For this identification to work, you need to implement ru.utkonos.enhanced_recycler_vew.Identifiable
to your item data classes:
class MyItemDataClass(override val id: Any): Identifiable
The id must be unque in list and its type should be one of: primitive, String, Parcelable, Serializable.
If you do not have any explicit identifier for an item and there are no other instances of its class in the list, you can implement ru.utkonos.enhanced_recycler_vew.IdentifiableByClass
to it:
class MyItemDataClass: IdentifiableByClass
Then its id will be its class.
For more examples see module app