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Detection of CpG methylation and chromatin accessibility simultaneously using nanopore sequencing. To run the commands here you need these tools:
Megalodon and ONT Guppy, minimap2, Clair3, WhatsHap, Samtools, bgzip, Tabix, Nanopolish, NanoMethPhase, DSS R package

Table of Contents

6mA calling

Base and 6mA calling using megalodon

To make the base and 6mA calling faster you can run this command on each fast5 file separately or on a bunch of fast5 files. Related models are provided in the Models directory.

megalodon path/to/directory/containing/fast5/ \ 
  --guppy-server-path /path/to/guppy_basecall_server \
  --guppy-config dna_r9.4.1_450bps_sup_prom.cfg \
  --reference /path/to/reference.fa # Alternatively, use a minimap index of the reference (.mmi) for more efficient memory usage \
  --output-directory /path/to/output/directory \
  --guppy-params "-m /path/to/BaseCalingModel/from/this/repository" \ # Models/Guppy_BaseCallingModel_r9.4.1.json
  --device <device name, for example "cuda:0"> \
  --remora-model /path/to/RemoraModel/from/this/repository" \ # Models/Remora_6mACallingModel_r9.4.1.onnx
  --outputs basecalls per_read_mods mods \
  --mod-binary-threshold 0.75 \
  --guppy-timeout 300 \
  --processes <# of processes>

Output per-site results will be in the output directory. If you run the command for each fast5 file or a bunch of them separately, you can put all the per-site results from all the runs in a directory and use the script to merge per-site results for each chromosome.

Detection of DNA accessibility peaks

By doing a differential 6mA analysis of treated vs untreated sample using DSS R package we can detect 6mA DMRs/peaks. HG002 untreated 6mA frequency data can be used as the untreated control sample for data based on hg38. Using this command in R you can perform differential 6mA analysis:

options(scipen = 15)
file1= read.table("/path/to/6mA_frequency_file/from/Treated_sample",header=TRUE,sep = '\t')
file1= file1[,c(1,2,5,6)] # Selecting for columns that represent chromosome, adenine position, coverage, number of reads showing 6mA 
colnames(file1)= c("chr","pos","N","X")

file2= read.table("/path/to/6mA_frequency_file/from/Untreated_sample",header=TRUE,sep = '\t')
file2= file2[,c(1,2,5,6)] # Selecting for columns that represent chromosome, adenine position, coverage, number of reads showing 6mA 
colnames(file2)= c("chr","pos","N","X")
DSObject<- makeBSseqData(list(file1,file2),c("C1", "N1"))

test<- DMLtest(DSObject, 
               equal.disp = FALSE,
               smoothing = TRUE,
               smoothing.span = 150,
               ncores=<# of cores>)

DM_region<- callDMR(test, delta=0.1, p.threshold=0.001, minlen=150, minCG=30, dis.merge=150, pct.sig=0.5)
write.table(DM_region,"/path/to/output_file", sep="\t", row.names=F, quote=F)

Afterward, you need to keep regions that have higher 6mA in the treated sample (diff.Methy > 0). You can also select more robust regions, for example, keeping regions with diff.Methy > 0.15.

Phasing 6mA calls

During the previous steps, we got unphased 6mA and peak data and here we are going to detect haplotype-specific 6mA calls and peaks

Mapping, variant calling, and phasing

If there are multiple fastq files, you need to concatenate all of them into a single file. Mapping and sorting can be done as follow:

minimap2 -ax map-ont --MD -L -t <# of threads> /path/to/reference.fa /path/to/input.fastq > file.sam
samtools sort -@ <# of threads> file.sam -o file.bam && rm file.sam
samtools index -@ <# of threads> file.bam

Now we can call variants from the bam using Clair3: --bam_fn=file.bam \
 --ref_fn=/path/to/reference.fa \
 --output=/path/to/output_directory \
 --threads=<# of threads> \
 --platform=ont \

The result variants will be in the output directory. Then we should select the quality passed variants, bgzip and index the file:

gunzip -c /path/to/output_directory/merge_output.vcf.gz | awk -F'\t' '$1~/^#/ || $7=="PASS"' > clair3_passed.vcf
bgzip clair3_passed.vcf
tabix -p vcf clair3_passed.vcf.gz

Now variants can be phased using whatshap and then reads can also be tagged to haplotypes:

whatshap phase --ignore-read-groups \
 --reference /path/to/reference.fa \
 -o clair3_passed_whatshap_phased.vcf \
 clair3_passed.vcf.gz \

bgzip clair3_passed_whatshap_phased.vcf
tabix -p vcf clair3_passed_whatshap_phased.vcf.gz

# now haplotagging reads
whatshap haplotag --ignore-read-groups \
 --skip-missing-contigs \
 --reference /path/to/reference.fa \
 -o file_haplotagged.bam \
 --output-haplotag-list file_haplotagged_Reads.tsv \
 clair3_passed_whatshap_phased.vcf.gz \

The list of haplotype 1 and haplotype 2 reads will be in the file_haplotagged_Reads.tsv file. You need to put haplotype 1 and 2 read IDs in two separate files for the following step (1 read ID per line).

Phasing 6mA calls and detecting allele-specific differentially accessible regions (aDARs)

Using the following command you can get the per-site 6mA data for each haplotype

megalodon_extras aggregate run \
 --outputs mods \
 --megalodon-directory /path/to/directory/containes/megalodon_results \
 --read-ids-filename Haplotype1_ReadIDs.tsv \
 --output-suffix out_put_suffix_haplotype_1 \
 --mod-binary-threshold 0.75 \
 --processes <# of processes>

megalodon_extras aggregate run \
 --outputs mods \
 --megalodon-directory /path/to/directory/containes/megalodon_results \
 --read-ids-filename Haplotype2_ReadIDs.tsv \
 --output-suffix out_put_suffix_haplotype_2 \
 --mod-binary-threshold 0.75 \
 --processes <# of processes>

Output per-site results will be in the megalodon results output directory. If you run the command for each fast5 file or a bunch of them separately, you can put all the per-site results from all the runs for each haplotype in a directory and use the script to merge per-site results for each haplotype for each chromosome.

After phasing 6mA, allele-specific accessibility peaks can be detected using DSS by performing differential 6mA analysis between haplotypes.


file1= read.table("/path/to/6mA_frequency_file/from/haplotype_1",header=TRUE,sep = '\t')
file1= file1[,c(1,2,5,6)] # Selecting for columns that represent chromosome, adenine position, coverage, number of reads showing 6mA 
colnames(file1)= c("chr","pos","N","X")

file2= read.table("/path/to/6mA_frequency_file/from/haplotype_2",header=TRUE,sep = '\t')
file2= file2[,c(1,2,5,6)] # Selecting for columns that represent chromosome, adenine position, coverage, number of reads showing 6mA 
colnames(file2)= c("chr","pos","N","X")

DSObject<- makeBSseqData(list(file1,file2),c("C1", "N1"))
test<- DMLtest(DSObject, 
               equal.disp = FALSE,
               smoothing = TRUE,
               smoothing.span = 150,
               ncores=<# of cores>)

DM_region<- callDMR(test, delta=0.15, p.threshold=0.001, minlen=150, minCG=30, dis.merge=150, pct.sig=0.5)
write.table(DM_region,"/path/to/output_file", sep="\t", row.names=F, quote=F)

Afterward, You can also select more robust regions. For example, keeping regions with diff.Methy > 0.2 or diff.Methy < -0.2 between haplotypes.

CpG methylation

Methylation calling

Here we use nanopolish (You may use f5c >=v0.7 which is an optimised re-implementation of nanopolish or other methylation callers). First, we need to index fastq file and then call per-read methylation.

nanopolish index -d /path/to/fast5s_directory input.fastq

nanopolish call-methylation \
  -t <number_of_threads> \
  -q cpg \
  -r input.fastq \
  -b file.bam \
  -g /path/to/reference.fa > CpG_MethylationCall.tsv
# For faster calling you can also run nanopolish call-methylation command on each chromosome or genomic intervals separately.

Now per-site unphased CpG methylation can be detected by running the script from nanopolish: --call-threshold 1.5 -s CpG_MethylationCall.tsv > CpG_MethylationFrequency.tsv

Phasing CpG methylation calls

Here we use NanoMethPhase. We first need to preprocess the methylation call file and then phase methylation data. methyl_call_processor -mc CpG_MethylationCall.tsv -t <# of threads> | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n -k3,3n | bgzip > NanoMethPhase_CpG_MethylationCall.tsv.gz
tabix -p bed NanoMethPhase_CpG_MethylationCall.tsv.gz phase -v /path/to/clair3_passed_whatshap_phased.vcf.gz \
  -mc NanoMethPhase_CpG_MethylationCall.tsv.gz \
  -o /path/to/output_directory_and_prefix \
  -of methylcall \
  -b /path/to/file.bam \
  -r /path/to/reference.fa \
  -t <# of threads>

These commands will give us haplotype 1 and 2 CpG methylation frequency files.

Detecting allele-specific differential methylated regions (aDMRs)

Now we can perform differential 5mC analysis between haplotypes to detect allele-specific DMRs. dma -c 1,2,4,5,7 \
  -ca /path/to/5mC-Frequency_haplotype_1.tsv \
  -co /path/to/5mC-Frequency_haplotype_2.tsv \
  -o /path/to/output_directory \
  -op output_prefix

The Output callDMR.txt file will include allelic DMRs. You can also select more robust regions. For example, keeping regions with diff.Methy > 0.2 or diff.Methy < -0.2 between haplotypes.


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