Detection of CpG methylation and chromatin accessibility simultaneously using nanopore sequencing.
To run the commands here you need these tools:
Megalodon and ONT Guppy, minimap2, Clair3, WhatsHap, Samtools, bgzip, Tabix, Nanopolish, NanoMethPhase, DSS R package
To make the base and 6mA calling faster you can run this command on each fast5 file separately or on a bunch of fast5 files. Related models are provided in the Models directory.
megalodon path/to/directory/containing/fast5/ \
--guppy-server-path /path/to/guppy_basecall_server \
--guppy-config dna_r9.4.1_450bps_sup_prom.cfg \
--reference /path/to/reference.fa # Alternatively, use a minimap index of the reference (.mmi) for more efficient memory usage \
--output-directory /path/to/output/directory \
--guppy-params "-m /path/to/BaseCalingModel/from/this/repository" \ # Models/Guppy_BaseCallingModel_r9.4.1.json
--device <device name, for example "cuda:0"> \
--remora-model /path/to/RemoraModel/from/this/repository" \ # Models/Remora_6mACallingModel_r9.4.1.onnx
--outputs basecalls per_read_mods mods \
--mod-binary-threshold 0.75 \
--guppy-timeout 300 \
--processes <# of processes>
Output per-site results will be in the output directory. If you run the command for each fast5 file or a bunch of them separately, you can put all the per-site results from all the runs in a directory and use the script to merge per-site results for each chromosome.
By doing a differential 6mA analysis of treated vs untreated sample using DSS R package we can detect 6mA DMRs/peaks. HG002 untreated 6mA frequency data can be used as the untreated control sample for data based on hg38. Using this command in R you can perform differential 6mA analysis:
options(scipen = 15)
file1= read.table("/path/to/6mA_frequency_file/from/Treated_sample",header=TRUE,sep = '\t')
file1= file1[,c(1,2,5,6)] # Selecting for columns that represent chromosome, adenine position, coverage, number of reads showing 6mA
colnames(file1)= c("chr","pos","N","X")
file2= read.table("/path/to/6mA_frequency_file/from/Untreated_sample",header=TRUE,sep = '\t')
file2= file2[,c(1,2,5,6)] # Selecting for columns that represent chromosome, adenine position, coverage, number of reads showing 6mA
colnames(file2)= c("chr","pos","N","X")
DSObject<- makeBSseqData(list(file1,file2),c("C1", "N1"))
test<- DMLtest(DSObject,
equal.disp = FALSE,
smoothing = TRUE,
smoothing.span = 150,
ncores=<# of cores>)
DM_region<- callDMR(test, delta=0.1, p.threshold=0.001, minlen=150, minCG=30, dis.merge=150, pct.sig=0.5)
write.table(DM_region,"/path/to/output_file", sep="\t", row.names=F, quote=F)
Afterward, you need to keep regions that have higher 6mA in the treated sample (diff.Methy > 0). You can also select more robust regions, for example, keeping regions with diff.Methy > 0.15.
During the previous steps, we got unphased 6mA and peak data and here we are going to detect haplotype-specific 6mA calls and peaks
If there are multiple fastq files, you need to concatenate all of them into a single file. Mapping and sorting can be done as follow:
minimap2 -ax map-ont --MD -L -t <# of threads> /path/to/reference.fa /path/to/input.fastq > file.sam
samtools sort -@ <# of threads> file.sam -o file.bam && rm file.sam
samtools index -@ <# of threads> file.bam
Now we can call variants from the bam using Clair3: --bam_fn=file.bam \
--ref_fn=/path/to/reference.fa \
--output=/path/to/output_directory \
--threads=<# of threads> \
--platform=ont \
The result variants will be in the output directory. Then we should select the quality passed variants, bgzip and index the file:
gunzip -c /path/to/output_directory/merge_output.vcf.gz | awk -F'\t' '$1~/^#/ || $7=="PASS"' > clair3_passed.vcf
bgzip clair3_passed.vcf
tabix -p vcf clair3_passed.vcf.gz
Now variants can be phased using whatshap and then reads can also be tagged to haplotypes:
whatshap phase --ignore-read-groups \
--reference /path/to/reference.fa \
-o clair3_passed_whatshap_phased.vcf \
clair3_passed.vcf.gz \
bgzip clair3_passed_whatshap_phased.vcf
tabix -p vcf clair3_passed_whatshap_phased.vcf.gz
# now haplotagging reads
whatshap haplotag --ignore-read-groups \
--skip-missing-contigs \
--reference /path/to/reference.fa \
-o file_haplotagged.bam \
--output-haplotag-list file_haplotagged_Reads.tsv \
clair3_passed_whatshap_phased.vcf.gz \
The list of haplotype 1 and haplotype 2 reads will be in the file_haplotagged_Reads.tsv file. You need to put haplotype 1 and 2 read IDs in two separate files for the following step (1 read ID per line).
Using the following command you can get the per-site 6mA data for each haplotype
megalodon_extras aggregate run \
--outputs mods \
--megalodon-directory /path/to/directory/containes/megalodon_results \
--read-ids-filename Haplotype1_ReadIDs.tsv \
--output-suffix out_put_suffix_haplotype_1 \
--mod-binary-threshold 0.75 \
--processes <# of processes>
megalodon_extras aggregate run \
--outputs mods \
--megalodon-directory /path/to/directory/containes/megalodon_results \
--read-ids-filename Haplotype2_ReadIDs.tsv \
--output-suffix out_put_suffix_haplotype_2 \
--mod-binary-threshold 0.75 \
--processes <# of processes>
Output per-site results will be in the megalodon results output directory. If you run the command for each fast5 file or a bunch of them separately, you can put all the per-site results from all the runs for each haplotype in a directory and use the script to merge per-site results for each haplotype for each chromosome.
After phasing 6mA, allele-specific accessibility peaks can be detected using DSS by performing differential 6mA analysis between haplotypes.
file1= read.table("/path/to/6mA_frequency_file/from/haplotype_1",header=TRUE,sep = '\t')
file1= file1[,c(1,2,5,6)] # Selecting for columns that represent chromosome, adenine position, coverage, number of reads showing 6mA
colnames(file1)= c("chr","pos","N","X")
file2= read.table("/path/to/6mA_frequency_file/from/haplotype_2",header=TRUE,sep = '\t')
file2= file2[,c(1,2,5,6)] # Selecting for columns that represent chromosome, adenine position, coverage, number of reads showing 6mA
colnames(file2)= c("chr","pos","N","X")
DSObject<- makeBSseqData(list(file1,file2),c("C1", "N1"))
test<- DMLtest(DSObject,
equal.disp = FALSE,
smoothing = TRUE,
smoothing.span = 150,
ncores=<# of cores>)
DM_region<- callDMR(test, delta=0.15, p.threshold=0.001, minlen=150, minCG=30, dis.merge=150, pct.sig=0.5)
write.table(DM_region,"/path/to/output_file", sep="\t", row.names=F, quote=F)
Afterward, You can also select more robust regions. For example, keeping regions with diff.Methy > 0.2 or diff.Methy < -0.2 between haplotypes.
Here we use nanopolish (You may use f5c >=v0.7 which is an optimised re-implementation of nanopolish or other methylation callers). First, we need to index fastq file and then call per-read methylation.
nanopolish index -d /path/to/fast5s_directory input.fastq
nanopolish call-methylation \
-t <number_of_threads> \
-q cpg \
-r input.fastq \
-b file.bam \
-g /path/to/reference.fa > CpG_MethylationCall.tsv
# For faster calling you can also run nanopolish call-methylation command on each chromosome or genomic intervals separately.
Now per-site unphased CpG methylation can be detected by running the
script from nanopolish: --call-threshold 1.5 -s CpG_MethylationCall.tsv > CpG_MethylationFrequency.tsv
Here we use NanoMethPhase. We first need to preprocess the methylation call file and then phase methylation data. methyl_call_processor -mc CpG_MethylationCall.tsv -t <# of threads> | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n -k3,3n | bgzip > NanoMethPhase_CpG_MethylationCall.tsv.gz
tabix -p bed NanoMethPhase_CpG_MethylationCall.tsv.gz phase -v /path/to/clair3_passed_whatshap_phased.vcf.gz \
-mc NanoMethPhase_CpG_MethylationCall.tsv.gz \
-o /path/to/output_directory_and_prefix \
-of methylcall \
-b /path/to/file.bam \
-r /path/to/reference.fa \
-t <# of threads>
These commands will give us haplotype 1 and 2 CpG methylation frequency files.
Now we can perform differential 5mC analysis between haplotypes to detect allele-specific DMRs. dma -c 1,2,4,5,7 \
-ca /path/to/5mC-Frequency_haplotype_1.tsv \
-co /path/to/5mC-Frequency_haplotype_2.tsv \
-o /path/to/output_directory \
-op output_prefix
The Output callDMR.txt file will include allelic DMRs. You can also select more robust regions. For example, keeping regions with diff.Methy > 0.2 or diff.Methy < -0.2 between haplotypes.