Type erasure for Codable
that works with any type. Please read the security implications below.
Via SPM:
dependencies: [
// ..
.package(url: "https://github.com/valentinradu/swift-any-codable.git", from: .init(0, 0, 1))
// ..
targets: [
// ..
dependencies: [
.product(name: "AnyCodable", package: "swift-any-codable")
let wrappedCodable = AnyCodable("Hello World")
// The original object can be accessed through `base`
assert(wrappedCodable.base as? String == "Hello World")
No. While _mangledTypeName
, _typeByName
and _typeName
are private, they are not part of Apple frameworks, but rather part of Swift.
Additionally, Apple's own distributed actors implementation uses the same approach
Generally speaking, yes, especially if you use it with entities that don't have behavior, only state.
However, it's important to understand the potential implications.
The problem arises when someone can inject arbitrary data that gets decoded as an AnyCodable
In this case, AnyCodable
will try to find the encoded type using _typeByName
from a string. If an attacker carefully crafts the string to contain another type that you don't expect, you could end up calling doSomething()
on that type (as long as it conforms to SomeProtocol
as well).
While exploiting this vulnerability is difficult, it is theoretically possible.
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
let decodedValue = try decoder.decode(AnyCodable.self, from: data)
if decodedValue.base as? SomeProtocol {
// decodedValue could be of an unexpected type that conforms to `SomeProtocol`