My experience with piscine at 42 Heilbronn
This is one of the unique experiences I have had in my life. Would like to record my experiences and learnings here through code.
In the first week we start off with Shell00 and Shell01 projects along with C00 C01
In Shell00 have learned the following:
- Unix Shell basics
- Working with terminal
- How to create directories, copy them, move them, rename them through shell.
- ex00 - How to create files with various sizes without any file extensions like .txt or .doc.
- ex01 - How to edit file permissions with various user level by use of chmod command.
- ex01 - How to edit the timestamps of files.
- ex02 - How to create various hard and soft links to files.
- ex02 - Usage of .tar extension to pack and unpack various files without create a separate forlder: tar -cf exo2.tar *
- ex03 - What is SSH keys - public and private and how to create them.
- ex04 - How to create commands to sort directories and files and its desired output.
- Basics of git - what is git; git clone; git push; git log; git status; git commit; git pull; git merge
- How to delete files or directories through Shell -rm r directory_name; or how to delete them forcefully -rm -rf
- ex05 - How to generate the desired number of git commit hashes through one command - learned more about git log
- Learned how to call manuals for various commands in Shell including that of git and read them a lot.
Reading manuals is very very important to have good idea on the subject.