A design system and component library built with Web Components(Lit).
- Install dependencies:
- Run storybook in development mode
yarn start
This script also runs web components manifest generation in development mode.
We are planning to update tokens automatically via Figma Tokens plugin. There is a related github action in .github
You can also manually export token files from plugin and place it at src/tokens/tokens.json
. After that, run:
yarn tokens
to build new tokens set.
Component library is based on Lit - a framework for Web Components. The build process is handled with Vite. To create a new build, run:
yarn build
We use a few PostCSS Plugins:
The list of Vite plugins is automatically shared between Vite configs for build and for Storybook.
We follow some agreements on naming and file structure to keep the codebase clean and consistent.
- Filenames should be written in lowercase, two words can be split with dash (-).
- Each component should be placed in a separate folder.
- The folder MUST contain:
- index.ts - reexports [component].ts
- [component].ts - main file with code -[component].stories.ts - storybook documentation file
- Additonally, the folder may contain some of the following:
- [component].css
- [component].test.ts
- /assets - a folder containing svg, img or any other static assets directly related to a single component.
You can quuickly create a new component from the template, by running a script:
yarn component <component>
The script will create a new folder for your component with some starter files.
Note that component name should not contain prefix. For example: yarn component button
- Install dependecies on Vue project
$ cd test/vue-app $ yarn
- Build the library
$ yarn build
- Run the project
$ yarn test:vue