My final project for MSDS622:Data Visualization course.
Data collected from UNESCO
Packages Used:
- Seaborn
- Plotly
- Matplotlib
Access to education is something many of us take for granted. Studies by The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO, have shown that 263 million children are out of school and girls are still more likely to never go to school in the first place 1. These shocking statistics made me wonder why this is our current state for equal opportunity to education around the world. UNESCO has a vast amount of data on education broken down by country and by gender. Their datasets include: counts on primary school entry, rates of primary school completion, rates on youth literacy and illiteracy, and expenditure on education – just to name a few. For my analysis, I used data from the mentioned datasets that was collected from 2014 to 2017. Through my visualizations, I hope to show where access to education is most needed, where inequality to education is most prevalent, and potential solutions to address these issues.