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Updated fork by [email protected]

I updated it probably only once for single purpose, therefore if you want any further updates, please pick your own fork.

Website (Full Doc/Tutorial/Screenshot):

How to create APKRepatcher.jar in case someone wants to update it in the future

  1. Download and unpack or clone this repository.
  2. Remove APKRepatcher_lib and Projects folders from directory APKRepatcher-master
  3. Install Eclipse
  4. File -> Open Projects from File System...
  5. Select APKRepatcher-master folder and press finish.
  6. Update what you need.
  7. Right-click on source folder (APKRepatcher) -> Export...
  8. Select JAR file and press Next >
  9. Deselect every file in resources to export (.classpath, .gitignore, .project, LICENSE and so on), specify export destination path with file name APKRepatcher, press Next > and in the following window Next > again.
  10. Check Use existing manifest from workspace and choose APKRepatcher/MANIFEST.MF. Press Finish
  11. Copy generated .jar file to main directory of APKRepatcher folder (NOT APKRepatcher-master) containing APKRepatcher_lib (must contain all libs), Projects folders and Settings.txt. Or replace existing APKRepatcher.jar file in unpacked APKRepatcher V1.1.1.rar.