AI Capstone Project K.R. Mangalam World School, G.K. - II (2023-24)
Object Detection uses the power of Python & Computer Vision to detect objects in a sample video or real-time footage from a camera. The CV model divides the input video into frames and further simplifies these frames into content viewable by the contours and draws contours around the detected object.
Aim: We aim to show a preview of how this technology can be used further in various sectors (as mentioned in logbook) by further enhancements.
• The Project opens up with a window showing options to detect motion either from a video, webcam or external camera
• The basic idea of the project is to detect movement by drawing out boxes around objects in movement using pre-defined algorithms of OpenCV
• The Video option can be used for motion detection on a given video. The video is broken down into individual frames and then motion is detected using contouring.
• The Face Detection option accesses your devices camera and is calibrated while testing to even detect slight facial movements, which can be used in investigations, security, etc.
• The final webcam option uses any camera provided while coding to detect motion. It can be used as application in CCTV cameras at best.