This is a simple project to compare how fast various languages can run, for example, C vs PHP vs Java.
- Node.JS version 0.12+ ('node' should be in PATH)
- JDK for Java code ('java' and 'javac' should be in PATH)
- GCC (on Mac OS X it comes with XCode App from the App Store)
- Emscripten ('emcc' should be in PATH)
- PHP ('php' should be in PATH)
Run all tests with npm start
It shows something like this on my machine:
Overall summary (from fastest to slowest):
|######################################################### 1000 C
|################################################ 836 Java
|############################## 530 C (non-opt)
|########################## 449 Emscripten
|################### 333 Emscripten (non-opt)
|########## 174 JavaScript
|## 42 PHP