The Jamulus software enables musicians to perform real-time jam sessions over the internet. There is one server running the Jamulus server software which collects the audio data from each Jamulus client, mixes the audio data and sends the mix back to each client.
Jamulus is Open Source software (GPL, GNU General Public License) and runs under Windows (ASIO), MacOS (Core Audio) and Linux (Jack). It is based on the Qt framework and uses the OPUS audio codec.
The project is hosted at
Please see the Getting Started page containing instructions for installing and using Jamulus for your platform.
Official documentation for Jamulus is on the Jamulus homepage
See also the discussion forums. If you have issues, feel free to ask for help there.
Bugs and feature requests can be reported here
See the contributing instructions
This code contains open source code from different sources. The developer(s) want to thank the developer of this code for making their efforts available under open source:
Qt cross-platform application framework:
Opus Interactive Audio Codec:
Audio reverberation code: by Perry R. Cook and Gary P. Scavone, 1995 - 2004 (taken from "The Synthesis ToolKit in C++ (STK)"):
Some pixmaps are from the Open Clip Art Library (OCAL):
Country flag icons from Mark James:
We would also like to acknowledge the contributors listed in the Github Contributors list.