Source code of simple shooter on 3Dzavr SFML game engine
1) [Download release](, [unzip it]( and run shooter.exe file-
Write ip and port of server in connect.txt file.
Write port of the server in server.txt file (only for computer where the server will be running).
Enjoy gaming!
Mouse, Space, A, S, W, D – player control.
SHIFT – slow motion (this ability is not infinite: its bar is next to hp)
E & Q or keys <- -> – change weapon
R – recharge
O – turn OpenGL on/off
Tab – turn debug mode on/off
Download and install OpenAL library for SFML sound support (in current version you can't setup this engine without OpenAL)
Clone this repository
Open project
Using CLion with MinGW (32-bit) compiler: open CMakeList.txt as a project
Using Visual Studio: open shooter.sln as a project
Built project and run the game