Software Engineering Resources - Currated list of links
Game/Design Resources
Icons - For use in github markdown
webserver.js - Node.js webserver (under 24 lines!)
Name | Language / Platform | Description |
Blog Articles | markdown | Programming blog articles. |
Bible Reader | java | Bible reading program. (wip) |
HotDIR | c / windows | Colorized file & folder listing for command prompt. (wip) |
More | c / windows | Command to display a screenful of text at a time. (wip) |
Proggie Pad | asm / windows? | Programmer's editor. (wip) |
Sprited | qbasic | Sprite editor. (wip) |
Tortilla Timer | java | Kitchen timer for cooking foods. |
Type | c / windows | Command to display contents of text files. |
Webserver.js | javascript | Web server for node.js. (no external dependencies) |
Zelta | qbasic | Legend of Zelda clone. (wip) |
Name | Description |
ASM | Assembler resources & examples. |
BASIC | BASIC resources & examples. |
C | C programming resources & examples. |
HASKELL | Haskell programming resources & examples. |
JAVA | Java resources & examples. |
JS | Javascript resources & examples. |
LUA | Lua resources & examples. |
PASCAL | Pascal resources & examples. |
PY | Python resources & examples. |
UNIX | Linux & OpenBSD resources. |
WinBin | Binary packages for Windows. (openssl, perl, etc.) |
TDD | Test-Driven Development resources. |
MGMT | Management related resources. |