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A command-line utility for pretty printing csv files and converting to other formats.


If Python 3 with the package manager pip is installed, doing pip3 install csvprint in your terminal should do the trick.

Development installation

With pipenv installed.

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Do pipenv install
  3. pipenv shell
  4. pip install -e .


csvprint [filename] prints a formatted table if filename is a comma separated file.

» cat imdb.csv
Title,Release Year,Estimated Budget
Shawshank Redemption,1994,$25 000 000
The Godfather,1972,$6 000 000
The Godfather: Part II,1974,$13 000 000
The Dark Knight,2008,$185 000 000
12 Angry Men,1957,$350 000

» csvprint imdb.csv
Title                  Release Year Estimated Budget
Shawshank Redemption   1994         $25 000 000
The Godfather          1972         $6 000 000
The Godfather: Part II 1974         $13 000 000
The Dark Knight        2008         $185 000 000
12 Angry Men           1957         $350 000

You can also pipe into csvprint:

» cat imdb.csv | csvprint
Title                  Release Year Estimated Budget
Shawshank Redemption   1994         $25 000 000
The Godfather          1972         $6 000 000
The Godfather: Part II 1974         $13 000 000
The Dark Knight        2008         $185 000 000
12 Angry Men           1957         $350 000


Command Result
-a specify alignment (left or right) - see examples below
-c specify which columns to print
-h print help message
--markdown print as markdown
--latex print as latex table
--numeric [c1:d1] [c2:d2] ... specify decimal numbers for chosen numeric columns (c for column, d for digits)
--header add header decoration around the first line
-s 'char' file is delimited by char (instead of comma), tab for tab
-p [n] add a padding of n spaces for each column, on both sides
-d [string] specify the string to separate columns

Alignment example

There are three options for specifying alignment. One can use l or r for aligning all cells to the left or right, respectively. One can also specify a distinct alignment option for each column. Then the number of options will need to match the number of columns.

» csvprint imdb.csv -a l r r
Title                  Release Year Estimated Budget
Shawshank Redemption           1994      $25 000 000
The Godfather                  1972       $6 000 000
The Godfather: Part II         1974      $13 000 000
The Dark Knight                2008     $185 000 000
12 Angry Men                   1957         $350 000

Markdown example

Markdown output also supports left and right alignment.

» csvprint examples/imdb.csv --markdown -a l r r
Title                  | Release Year | Estimated Budget
Shawshank Redemption   |         1994 |      $25 000 000
The Godfather          |         1972 |       $6 000 000
The Godfather: Part II |         1974 |      $13 000 000
The Dark Knight        |         2008 |     $185 000 000
12 Angry Men           |         1957 |         $350 000

When rendered as HTML, this looks like

Title Release Year Estimated Budget
Shawshank Redemption 1994 $25 000 000
The Godfather 1972 $6 000 000
The Godfather: Part II 1974 $13 000 000
The Dark Knight 2008 $185 000 000
12 Angry Men 1957 $350 000

Numeric example

» csvprint examples/numeric.csv
measure1  measure2
1.2323    9000
1.299     9000001

» csvprint examples/numeric.csv --numeric 1:1 2:1
measure1  measure2
1.2       9000.0
1.3       9000001.0


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