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class sim: full model info, container for simulation subparts

` def init(self):  = ''                             # short description
    self.descr = ''                             # description
    self.fName = ''                             # binary file name (without extension)
    self.stru       = stru() # 1 "stru" class objects - active       = aero() # 1 "aero" class objects - active
    self.struList   = []    # list of "stru" class objects
    self.aeroList   = []    # list of "aero" class objects`

class stru: structural model info

def init(self):   = ''                                    # short description
    self.descr  = ''                                    # description
    self.nnode  = 0                                     # 1          - number of nodes considered
    self.nodes  = []                                    # nnode      - label of nodes considered (external)
    self.iLabl  = np.array([], dtype=int)               # nnode      - label of nodes considered (internal)
    self.ndof   = 0                                     # 1          - Total number of DoF considered (including those where BCs are applied)
    self.nt     = 0                                     # 1          - number of time steps
    self.t      = np.array([], dtype=float)             # nt         - Response temporal grid
    self.u_raw  = np.array([], dtype=float)             # ndof x nt  - generalized displacements as functions of time - as read from "curvas"
                                                        #            - rotational DoFs (if exist) are expresed as 3-1-3 Euler angles rotations [rad]
    self.u_mdr  = np.array([], dtype=np.longdouble)     # ndof x nt  - generalized displacements as functions of time - mdr: modal decomposition ready
                                                        #            - rotational DoFs (if exist) are expresed as axial vector rotations relative to the initial orientation of each node's local system
    self.aLoad  = np.array([], dtype=float)             # ndof x nt  - aerodynamic loads as functions of time
    self.LW     = np.array([], dtype=np.longdouble)     # ndof x nt  - work from external loads (over GDoFs), as functions of time
    self.LWtot  = np.array([], dtype=np.longdouble)     # 1 x nt     - sum of LW over the GDoFs, as a function of time
    self.mass   = np.array([], dtype=float)             # ndof       - lumped mass matrix
    self.nm     = 0                                     # 1          - number of modes read     = np.array([], dtype=float)             # nm         - ordered natural frequencies
    self.phi    = np.array([], dtype=np.longdouble)     # ndof x nm  - modal matrix - as read from *.RSN - must be normalized w.r.t. the mass    = []                                    # 1          - modes of interest indices
    self.nmoi   = 0                                     # 1          - number of modes of interest indices
    self.mnorm  = 'mass'                                # str        - moi normalization criteria
    self.omR    = np.array([], dtype=float)             # nmoi       - reduced ordered natural frequencies (using moi) - if moi=[] => omR=om
    self.phiR   = np.array([], dtype=np.longdouble)     # ndof x nmoi- reduced modal matix (using moi) - if moi=[] => phiR=phi
    self.mmass  = np.array([], dtype=np.longdouble)     # nmoi       - modal mass matrix (diagonal) - reduced (for moi only)
    self.mstif  = np.array([], dtype=np.longdouble)     # nmoi       - modal stiffness matrix (diagonal) - reduced (for moi only)
    self.auxMD  = np.array([], dtype=np.longdouble)     # nmoi x ndof- auxiliary matix PHI^T * M, used for modal decomposition
    self.q      = np.array([], dtype=np.longdouble)     # nmoi x nt  - modal coordinates as functions of time
    self.Q      = np.array([], dtype=np.longdouble)     # nmoi x nt  - modal external loads as functions of time
    self.mKE    = np.array([], dtype=np.longdouble)     # nmoi x nt  - modal Kinetic Energy as functions of time
    self.mPE    = np.array([], dtype=np.longdouble)     # nmoi x nt  - modal Potential Energy as functions of time
    self.mME    = np.array([], dtype=np.longdouble)     # nmoi x nt  - modal Mechanical Energy as functions of time
    self.mKEtot = np.array([], dtype=np.longdouble)     # 1 x nt     - sum of mKE over the MDoFs, as a function of time
    self.mPEtot = np.array([], dtype=np.longdouble)     # 1 x nt     - sum of mPE over the MDoFs, as a function of time
    self.mMEtot = np.array([], dtype=np.longdouble)     # 1 x nt     - sum of mME over the MDoFs, as a function of time
    self.QW     = np.array([], dtype=np.longdouble)     # nmoi x nt  - modal work from external loads, as function of time
    self.QWtot  = np.array([], dtype=np.longdouble)     # 1 x nt     - sum of QW over the MDoFs, as a function of time
    self.p11FN  = ''                            # binary *.p11 file name (without extension - Simpact output) from wich extract generalized displacements (and/or other data)
    self.rsnSi  = ''                            # ASCII *.rsn file name (without extension) - Simpact output
    self.rsnDe  = ''                            # ASCII *.rsn file name (without extension) - Delta output
    self.loadsFN = ''                           # ASCII *. ??? file name (without extension) - Loads on stru
    self.t_Nan = np.inf                         # inf       - NaN minimum time
    self.eqInfo = np.array([], dtype=float)             # Information Relative to the Equations Numbers
    self.rdof       = True                              # True if rotational DoFs exist
    self.struRdOpt  = 'raw'                             # reading data flag for structural response: 
                                                        #   'raw': from ASCII data files
                                                        #   'bin': from binary file with preprocessed data
    self.loadRdOpt  = 'raw'                             #reading data flag for external loading: 
                                                        #   'raw': from ASCII data files
                                                        #   'bin': from binary file with preprocessed data
                                                        #   'non': no external load data available
    self.struEigOpt = True                              # True if modal decomposition should be done over generalized displacements
    self.loadEigOpt = True                              # True if modal decomposition should be done over external loads
    self.EigWorkOpt = True                              # True if modal work from external loads should be computed
    self.plot_timeInds = np.array([0,None])               # desired plot indexes
    self.plot_timeVals = np.array([np.inf,np.inf])      # desired plot time values
    self.intLabOffset = 0                               # offset node labels
    self.rot_inds = [4,5,6]                             # rotational DOFs inds (not Python´s)`

class aero: aerodynamic model info


upd_phiR(struCase): Updates struCase.phiR and struCase.omR.

upd_modalMK(struCase): Determines struCase.mmass and struCase.mstif from struCase.phiR and struCase.mass.

upd_mnorm(struCase): Updates struCase.phiR, struCase.q, struCase.Q,

modalDecomp(struCase,**kwargs): Applies modal decomposition over stru´s DOFs and LOADS (if available).

modal_mechEnergy(struCase): Determines mechanical energy related to each mode.

search_time(t_array, t_values, **kwargs): Searchs for indexes (equal or max) in a t_array corresponding to some t_values

sfti_time(struCase, *reset, **kwargs): Searchs for time indexes - Updates the desired indexes for plotting purposes

nodeDof2idx(struCase, nodeDOFs): Returns indexes for the nodes and nodes DOFs of interest

modalDof2idx(struCase, modalDOF): Returns modal indexes for a particular shape-DOF

callbat(file_folder, file_name, nodo, dof, output_name): Extracts generalized displacements data from *.p11 bin file. Sends windows cmd commands.

line_spliter(line): Splits a string line. For general use with SimpactTable.

search_string(x_dat, frase): Searchs for a keyword or string in a list of strings

rd_SimpactTable(x_dat, start_line, **kwargs): Locates and reads a table from *.rsn ASCII Simpact and Alpha files

rd_rsn_De(struCase, **kwargs): Reads data from Delta *.rsn output (eigen modes and eigen frequencies, mass matrix) and performs modal decomposition.

euler2axial(cols): Converts rotations expresed as 3-1-3 Euler Angles to axial vector form using SciPy class Rotation

rotModalDec(cols): Prepares rotational data for modal decomposition. Represent rotations as incremental rotation vectors expressed in initial local system.

rd_u(struCase, **kwargs): Extracts generalized displacements data from *.p11 bin file and imports data to "stru" class object also creates "u_mdr" field if necessary

NaN_filter(full_data, Nan_step, **kwargs): Deletes all data with index > earliest NaN

rd_eqInfo(struCase, **kwargs): Extracts Information Relative to the Equations Numbers from ASCII *.rsn file (Simpact or Delta output, default Delta)

rd_mass(struCase, **kwargs): Extracts lumped mass matrix from ASCII *.rsn file (Simpact or Delta output, default Delta)

rd_eig(struCase, **kwargs): Extracts eigen modes and eigen frequencies from ASCII *.rsn file (Delta output)

ae_Ftable(struCase, **kwargs): ##NOTA: Si el nombre no gusta, lo cambi: Extracts loads from .DAT files

FTable_fit(struCase, y_loads, t_loads): Fits the aLoads to the stru-shaped time arr

rdBin(file, **kwargs): Reads bin file

svBin(data, **kwargs): Saves data to BIN file

clean_eqInfo(struCase): Deletes non-useful nodes from eqInfo Table

mult_int(struCase, **kwargs): Searchs for integer multiples in data, computing a[i] % a[:]. Also, saves the original a[i] value in the main diag

geomDOF_comp(struCase, dofDict, **kwargs): Computes the modal composition u = \Phi \cdot q but element-wise

act_mINDS(struCase, dofDict, **kwargs): Determines active modal inds

sum_data(struCase, **kwargs): Sums some[inds,:] and saves it as a new attr

case_tag(**kwargs): Creates fnames and tags

amp_search(struCase, **kwargs): Determines the amplitude of a signal

hl_envelopes_idx(y, dmin=1, dmax=1, split=False): Extracts envelopes, both high and low

handle_act_modes(struCase, **kwargs): Creates a single list of inds (real, not Python´s) for active and pasive modes.

lst_av_dirs(path): Lists available cases

delete_av_bins(path, **kwargs): Deletes all avaiable bin files

rec_cases(av_cases, dirs, **kwargs): Simple recursive function, calls eigen_an over a set of cases

eigen_an(loc_case, dirs, **kwargs): Simplified general analysis. Creates case and .sim file. Reads and processes displacement and load files. Performs modal decomposition. Exports to .BIN

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plt_temp_ev(struCase, data_indic, ax, **kwargs): Plot DOFs (u_mdr as default) or FCs (or modal coordinates or modal ext. loads) as f(t)

plt_tfixed(struCase, data_indic, ax, **kwargs): Plot all dof coords (or ext. loads) or modal coords (or modal ext. loads) in particular instants of time.

plt_phi(struCase, modedofDict, ax, **kwargs): Plots modal shapes

plt_FFT(struCase, data_indic, ax, **kwargs): Plots the FFT of a signal: u-DOF (u_mdr as default) (or FC) or q (or Q)

plt_PP(struCase, data_indic, ax, **kwargs): Plots phase-plane portraits, du/dt vs u or dFCS/dt vs FCS (DOF an) or q vs dq/dt or Q vs dQ/dt (modal an)

plt_spectr(struCase, data_indic, fig, ax, **kwargs): Plots spectrograms of u(t) (mdr def) or F(t) or q(t) or Q(t)

plt_uxuy(struCase, vsDict, ax, **kwargs): Plots two DOFs or FCS for all struCase nodes for a single t val (one per curve)

plt_general(struCase, inds, ax, **kwargs): Plots general props as f(t) using some inds (not Python´s)

fig_general(struCase, indLIST, **kwargs): Arranges plots of general props as f(t) using some inds (not Python´s)

fig_uxuy(struCase,vsLIST, **kwargs): Arranges plots of DOF vs DOF or FC vs FC @t fixed

fig_uqs(struCase, DATA_indc, **kwargs): Arranges plots of DOF(nodes) or FC(nodes) (or modes (nodes) or modal ext. loads (nodes)) @t fixed

fig_uqt(struCase, DATA_indc, **kwargs): Arranges plots of u(t) or load(t) (or q(t) or Q(t))

fig_FFT(struCase, DATA_indic, **kwargs): Arranges plots of FFT(u(t)) or FFT(load(t)) or FFT(q(t)) or FFT(Q(t))

fig_spect(struCase, DATA_indic, **kwargs): Arranges plots of Spectrogram(u(t)) or Spectrogram(load(t)) or Spectrogram(q(t)) or Spectrogram(Q(t))

fig_PP(struCase, DATA_indic, **kwargs): Arranges plots of PP(u(t)) or PP(load(t)) or PP(q(t)) or PP(Q(t))

fig_phi(struCase, modedofLIST, **kwargs): Arranges plots of modal shapes

lst2str(lst, **kwargs): Generates a str from a lst

dof2dofDict(struCase, dof): Generates a dofDict for a desired DOF using all the available nodes in struCase

tdof2dofDict(struCase, tdof_dict): Generates a dofDict for a desired DOF using all the available nodes in struCase

nodes2labels(struCase, **kwargs): Generates a list of strings from struCase.nodes

tldxs(struCase, desired_t): Generates a list of indexes for the closest struCase.t time values in t arg (list, floats)

keys_to_str(dct_keys): Simple tool for str generation from dict_keys data

flatten_values_list(dct_values): Simple tool for fusion nested lists (coming from dicts_values)

label_asoc(dct): Simple tool for generate a list of labels from dict keys

handle_graph_info(**kwargs): Prepares labels, titles and general things for plots

save_figure(fig, opts,**kwargs): Save plots in desired dir

handle_modal_inds(struCase, modal_inds, **kwargs): Looks for the real modal index in, for labeling purposes

hide_axes(ax, **kwargs): Auto ax hide

do_grid_and_labels(ax, **kwargs): Auto grid and legend

FFT_labl_gen(data_type, i, original_inds, node_labels): Gen a custom label for FFT plots

gen_aloneinds_prop(inds): Generates a nested list for indsLIST kwarg to use in fig_general, using a single list of inds.

general_envs(struCase,**kwargs): Gens envelopes - Plots (max(f[i])) vs some inds

add_ticks(ax,**kwargs): Add ticks to an ax obj

gen_single_prop(desired_shape, prop): Generates a list for data_type kwarg to use in fig_general, using a single struCase.attr.

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