This project is a demo that shows how to connect gRPC GO modules to a Kafka broker running in Docker.
It also goes one step ahead of trying to make a comparision between the performance of REST(HTTP) and gRPC(TCP).
- Defines a
which handles all the gRPC communication to server - Defines a
which handles all the HTTP communication to server
- Defines a
http - json
stub and agrpc - protobuf
- Send and receive str messages into and from a Kafka broker hosted by docker.
- Contains a
and ahttp
analyzer. These are utility files to send messages to Kafka using the desired protocol and retrieve those messages using the smae protocol. - They also print out a short summary of operation in progress and some time analysis on how long it took.
- Contains a
(Kafka Backend) - Contains a
(No Kafka backend) - Contains a
(Kafka Backend) - These three utilities are easily exposed using a
which accepts flags.
> pwd
> go build -o server main.go
> ./server --backend=[grpc_kafka|memory|http_kafka]
- Contains the protocol buffer definition for the model:
- Contains a
equivalent definition for HTTP
To convert theuser.proto
to a .pb.go file
> pwd
> go get -u
> protoc -I user user/user.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:user
- General utils and Kafka common vars
> pwd
> docker-compose up
# Starts zookeeper(2181) and kafka(9092) on respective ports
- Start the gRPC server
> pwd
> ./server --backend=grpc_kafka
Starting gRPC server
- Start the gRPC analyzer which intern invokes the gRPC client
> pwd
> go build -o grpc_performance_analyzer grpc_performance_analyzer.go
> ./grpc_performance_analyzer
I0801 17:25:08.597790 77864 grpc_performance_analyzer.go:51] ---------- Starting gRPC Kafka performance test ----------
I0801 17:25:08.597845 77864 grpc_performance_analyzer.go:52] >>>>> Test to create 100 users <<<<<
I0801 17:26:49.523614 77864 grpc_performance_analyzer.go:22] .. 100 users created
I0801 17:26:49.523621 77864 grpc_performance_analyzer.go:27] Time taken to create 100 records via gRPC<>Kafka: 1m40.925185697s
I0801 17:26:49.523654 77864 grpc_performance_analyzer.go:54] >>>>> Test to get 100 users <<<<<
I0801 17:26:58.831950 77864 grpc_client.go:39] Total records retrieved: 223
I0801 17:26:58.831982 77864 grpc_performance_analyzer.go:37] Time taken to read 100 records via gRPC<>Kafka: 4.308257619s
- Start the HTTP server
> pwd
> ./server --backend=http_kafka
Starting HTTP server
- Start the HTTP analyzer which intern invokes the HTTP client
> pwd
> go build -o http_performance_analyzer http_performance_analyzer.go
> ./http_performance_analyzer
I0801 17:16:47.430956 77864 http_performance_analyzer.go:39] ---------- Starting HTTP Kafka performance test ----------
I0801 17:16:47.430959 77864 http_performance_analyzer.go:40] >>>>> Test to create 100 users <<<<<
I0801 17:16:47.430962 77695 http_performance_analyzer.go:18] .. 100 users created
I0801 17:16:47.430974 77695 http_performance_analyzer.go:23] Time taken to create 100 records via HTTP<>Kafka: 1m40.8536612s
I0801 17:16:47.431005 77695 http_performance_analyzer.go:42] >>>>> Test to get 100 users <<<<<
I0801 17:16:57.584743 77695 http_client.go:22] Retrieved 100 records from server
I0801 17:16:57.584761 77695 http_performance_analyzer.go:31] Time taken to read 100 records via HTTP<>Kafka: 10.153690406s