I'm a software developer based in Sao Paulo, Brazil. I thrive on tackling complex problems and creating efficient solutions. I am currently focused on enhancing my skills in Go, ReactJS, and NextJS while exploring new technologies in cryptography field.
🌱 I’m currently learning Go, Data Structures & Algorithms, ReactJS, NextJS, ZK-SNARK
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Blockchain Projects
🤝 I’m looking for help with | Cryptography | Zero-Knowledge-Proof | Bug-Bounty
💬 Ask me about | Go | Decentralized-Technologies | Blockchain
📄 Know about my experiences https://linkedin/in/vhugocf
Slot-Machine-GO - A slot machine made in GO. | Language: Go
Inventory-TUI - A inventory system made in GO with TUI. | Language: Go
FullstackCourse-University-of-Helsinki-2020 - Completed coursework from the University of Helsinki's Full Stack course. | Language: JavaScript