2018-2021 Viktor Godard
On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) on Linux, howto
- scantool (very good, easy to use)
- PiOBDII.py (good, easy to use)
- Freediags (todo)
- can-utils (todo)
Electronics simulation on Linux, howto
- Simulide appimage (very good, easy to use)
- Qucs appimage (not as good, difficult to use)
- ngspice app (CLI only, the Vim of electronics)
- gpsim app (todo)
- Freedom-E SDK for HiFive1 board
- risc-v_hifive1-howto-20181007.bash
- setup and test history dump
- Getting started labs
- Processing IDE
- Arduino howto
- Sketch scripts for the instrumentation of Tamiya RC Unimog
- Unamogbot specs notes (yep, I misspelled it, it should be Unimogbot).
Old projects
- pocketCHIP (fun but discontinued)
- Spark Core (fun but discontinued)
- Spark Proton (fun but not open hardware)
- Doom
- Quake
- Steam Engine