A Python implementation of the Mattell game Blokus, with an option to add new AIs
1. Requirements:
- Python
- Numpy
- Pygame
Download dependencies in a single line.
- Windows: python -m pip install numpy pygame
- Ubuntu/Linux: python3 -m pip install numpy pygame
Tested on:
- Python 3.7.3
- Numpy 1.18.4
- Pygame 1.9.6
2. Rules:
Refer to Mattell's official rules in the PDF named blokus-rules.pdf or here: http://service.mattel.com/instruction_sheets/R1984-0920.pdf
3. Gameplay:
From the command line, run the following.
- Windows:
cd <the directory where you downloaded this respository>
python blokus.py
- Ubuntu/Linux:
cd <the directory where you downloaded this repository>
python3 blokus.py
4. Add your own AI
Use the AIManager.py file to add your own AI.