Abstract: Dehazing through Dark Channel Prior (DCP), originally developed for land-based images, has translated its potential for improving the quality of underwater images. However, the DCP default parameters, which are just adapted from land-based applications, may not be applicable for underwater images. Such constraint limits the capability of this restoration algorithm to improve the quality of an underwater image; the values of these parameters must be searched for each underwater image. A proposed approach on the parameter values assignment problem is to conduct an optimized search based on Genetic Algorithm. The presentation of this proposed approach focuses on the Genetic Algorithm processes: chromosome encoding, fitness function development, and selection, mutation, and crossover, to perform an effective search of the best solution out of a pool of possible solutions. Qualitative and quantitative evaluations show that utilization of optimized combination of DCP parameters, achieves images of higher quality in comparison to the utilization of established default DCP parameters.
The GA-based DCP Parameters Selection is implemented using DEAP, a Python-based library for evolutionary algorithms.