This WordPress plugin makes it possible to save the ACF flexible content fields as templates and to use them again.
Advanced Custom Fields Pro 5.7 or greater has to be installed and activated.
- Download the zip archive and upload it to your WordPress site.
- Install and activate Advanced Custom Fields Pro 5.7 or greater.
- Activate the plugin.
- Export and import will be turned on by default for new flexible fields, if you want disable them, go in your flexible field settings.
- If your flexible field is registered via PHP, you must add
'mc_acf_ft_true_false'=> 1
in the options of this last one (after min, max and button_label options) - Export and Import will show on your flexible fields.
- You can edit your templates in admin > ACF Templates.
- See screenshots.
- Sometime it's necessary to turn on / off option twice.
- There is two filters you can use for that :
which you must pass one or more WordPress capabilities.
- Because Flexible fields can be very different things depending on the projects, you can use 4 filters to customize the labels used in admin, and also textdomain :
. Examples of how to use them :
// singular label
function my_custom_template_sing_label( $singular_name ) {
$singular_name = __( 'Custom singular', 'my-text-domain' );
return $singular_name;
add_filter( 'mc_ft_template_singular', 'my_custom_template_sing_label', 10, 1 );
// plural label
function my_custom_template_plur_label( $plural_name ) {
$plural_name = __( 'Custom plural','my-text-domain' );
return $plural_name;
add_filter( 'mc_ft_template_plural', 'my_custom_template_plur_label', 10, 1 );
// the "all" menu label
function my_custom_template_menu_label( $all_menu_label ) {
$all_menu_label = __( 'Custom "all" menu label', 'my-text-domain' );
return $all_menu_label;
add_filter( 'mc_ft_template_all_menu_label', 'my_custom_template_menu_label', 10, 1 );
- Initial Commit
- Add edit templates functionnality
- Add filters to edit admin labels
- Update for ACF 5.7.0 JS API changes
- Important : require at LEAST ACF 5.7.0
- Add new feature "replace existing content" before import. Thanks @virgo79 !