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/ BootstrapBundle Public archive

A set of common templates and utilities to assist in rapid application development in Symfony.


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A set of common templates and utilities to assist in rapid application development in Symfony.


Using composer

$ composer require vivait/bootstrap-bundle

Enabling bundle

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new Vivait\BootstrapBundle\VivaitBootstrapBundle()

Add the config rules

Add the following to your config.yml to enable Mopa Bootstrap integration:

        show_legend: false

Add the following to your config.yml to enable Mopa Bootstrap integration in to Assetic: Note: Bootstrap 3.1 and above use additional features in less which are incompatible with the LESS compiler, as such we have stripped them out until a solution can be found

    bundles:        [VivaitBootstrapBundle,MopaBootstrapBundle]
        cssrewrite: ~

You may already have an assetic configuration in your config,yml, if this is the case then you should combine the two, e.g.

    debug:          %assetic_debug%
    use_controller: false
    bundles:        [VivaitBootstrapBundle,MopaBootstrapBundle]
        cssrewrite: ~

Add the following to your config.yml to enable Viva Bootstrap form integration:

            - 'VivaitBootstrapBundle:Form:fields.html.twig'
        viva_app_name: My App name

You may already have a twig configuration in your config,yml, if this is the case then you should combine the two, e.g.

    debug:            %kernel.debug%
    strict_variables: %kernel.debug%
            - 'VivaitBootstrapBundle:Form:fields.html.twig'
        viva_app_name: My App name

You can change viva_app_name to be the title of your application, this will then appear in the title of each page.

Dumping the Assetic files

php app/console mopa:bootstrap:symlink:less
php app/console mopa:bootstrap:install:font
php app/console assets:install --symlink
php app/console assetic:dump
php app/console cache:clear

Updating composer.json

To make Mopa bootstrap bundle perform the symlink automatically on install, add the following to your composer.json:

    "scripts": {
        "post-install-cmd": [
        "post-update-cmd": [

Enabling the search box

To enable the search box, you need to define the route to the search controller in your config.yml, e.g:

        vivait_search_path: myapp_customers_search

This will then pass the search query to your controller, via the query GET parameter.

Using KNP Menus

Using composer

$ composer require knplabs/knp-menu-bundle

Enabling bundle

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
    	new Knp\Bundle\MenuBundle\KnpMenuBundle()

Adding menu items

To add menu items, you need to create an event listener that will listen to the vivait.bootstrap.menu_configure event:

// src/MyApp/MyBundle/EventListener.php
namespace MyApp\MyBundle\EventListener;

use Vivait\BootstrapBundle\Event\ConfigureMenuEvent;

class ConfigureMenuListener {
     * @param ConfigureMenuEvent $event
    public function onMenuConfigure(ConfigureMenuEvent $event) {
        $menu = $event->getMenu()

        $members = $menu->addChild('Customers', array(
            'dropdown' => true,
            'caret'    => true,

        $members->addChild('Dashboard', array(
            'icon'  => 'home',
            'route' => 'myapp_customers_list'
        $members->addChild('Add new', array(
            'icon'  => 'plus',
            'route' => 'myapp_customers_add'
        // ... etc.

You'll then need to configure this event in your services.yml:

    class: MyApp\MyBundle\EventListener\ConfigureMenuListener
     - { name: kernel.event_listener, event: vivait.bootstrap.menu_configure, priority: -2, method: onMenuConfigure }

Using the list hydrator

Bootstrap bundle includes a custom Doctrine hydrator, based on this blog post.

This hydrator is pretty straightforward, it examines the columns returned in each row of the resultset, if there are only two columns, the first is assumed to be the key field (which would normally be the objects ID) and the second is assumed to be the value field. If there are more than two columns per row then the returned array will be an ID indexed array with each row consisting of an array of the remaining column values.

To enable use of the hydrator, add the following to your config.yml:

    ListHydrator: \Vivait\BootstrapBundle\Hydrator\ListHydrator

For use with Doctrine ORM 2.5+, use \Vivait\BootstrapBundle\Hydrator\ListHydrator25

and use when retrieving results from a query:

$results = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager()->createQuery('{query}')->getResult('ListHydrator');

Using the user callable

At some point in your application, you may wish to inject the current user via the container. Bootstrap provides a helper class for this, based on this StackOverflow answer.

Simply inject vivait.bootstrap.user.callable, like in the following

class: \My\Class
arguments: [@vivait.bootstrap.user.callable]

Then when you need to reference the current user in your class, just call userCallable::getCurrentUser, as follows:

private $userCallable;

function __construct(UserCallable $userCallable) {
    $this->userCallable = $userCallable;

public function mailCurrentUser() {
    mail($userCallable->getCurrentUser()->getEmail(), 'Example', 'Please don\'t actually use this example method!');


A set of common templates and utilities to assist in rapid application development in Symfony.







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