Vivek Kothari
- 15 years of experience designing highly scalable distributed systems in domains like e-commerce, HR, payments, equity derivatives, risk management, email and team collaboration tools etc.
- Built entire backend/infra from scratch at ModernLoop and scaled it to over 100+ paid customers.
- Plenty of open source contributions.
- Excellent analytical thinking ability and communication skill.
- Excellent communication and client interaction skills.
- Experience in working in Agile Model.
🌱 Currently working
- Always building...
💬 Ask me about ...
- Java/Kotlin/Scala/Python/PHP/C/C++.
- Postgres, MySQL, SQLite, Vitess, Citus, MongoDB, Redis, Pinecone.
- Elasticsearch.
- SQS, RabbitMQ, Kafka, JMS.
- AWS, DigitalOcean, GCP, Kubernetes, Docker, Linux.
- Visibility (Prometheus, Grafana, micrometre), Observability (Kibana, new relic, datadog).
- Databases/Storage/Data at Scale.
- 📫 How to reach me:
- Email.