This package provides a fluent interface to communicate with the WeFact API. For the full documentation of the WeFact API, please visit
Table of Contents
- Creditor
- Credit Invoice
- Debtor
- Group
- Invoice
- List invoices
- Create invoice
- Update invoice
- Show invoice
- Delete invoice
- Credit
- Part payment
- Mark as paid
- Mark as unpaid
- Send by email
- Send reminder by email
- Send summation by email
- Download
- Block
- Unblock
- Schedule
- Cancel schedule
- Pause payment process
- Reactivate payment process
- Sort lines
- Add invoice line
- Delete invoice line
- Add attachment
- Delete attachment
- Download attachment
- Product
- Settings
- Settings - Cost Category
- Subscription
- PHP 8.1 or higher
- Guzzle 7.0 or higher
You can install the package via composer:
composer require vormkracht10/wefact-php
Then you can use the package like this:
$weFact = new Vormkracht10\WeFact('your-api-key');
$invoices = $weFact->invoice()->list();
Required parameters: CompanyName
or SurName
'CompanyName' => 'Your company name',
Required parameter: Identifier
or CreditorCode
'Identifier' => $creditorId,
'CompanyName' => 'Your company name',
Required parameter: Identifier
or CreditorCode
$weFact->creditor()->show(['Identifier' => $creditorId]);
// or
$weFact->creditor()->show(['CreditorCode' => $creditorCode]);
Required parameter: Identifier
or CreditorCode
$weFact->creditor()->delete(['Identifier' => $creditorId]);
// or
$weFact->creditor()->delete(['CreditorCode' => $creditorCode]);
Required parameters: InvoiceCode
, Creditor
or CreditorCode
and InvoiceLines
'InvoiceCode' => 'your-invoice-code',
'CreditorCode' => 'CD10001'
'InvoiceLines' => [
'Description' => 'Your description',
'PriceExcl' => 10,
Required parameter: Identifier
or CreditInvoiceCode
'Identifier' => $creditInvoiceId,
'Comment' => 'Your comment',
Required parameter: Identifier
or CreditInvoiceCode
$weFact->creditInvoice()->show(['Identifier' => $creditInvoiceId]);
// or
$weFact->creditInvoice()->show(['CreditInvoiceCode' => $creditInvoiceCode]);
Required parameter: Identifier
or CreditInvoiceCode
$weFact->creditInvoice()->delete(['Identifier' => $creditInvoiceId]);
// or
$weFact->creditInvoice()->delete(['CreditInvoiceCode' => $creditInvoiceCode]);
Required parameters: CompanyName
or SurName
'CompanyName' => 'Your company name',
Required parameter: Identifier
or DebtorCode
, CompanyName
or SurName
'Identifier' => $debtorId,
'CompanyName' => 'Your company name',
Required parameter: Identifier
or DebtorCode
$weFact->debtor()->show(['Identifier' => $debtorId]);
// or
$weFact->debtor()->show(['DebtorCode' => $debtorCode]);
Required parameter: Type
'type' => 'debtor',
Required parameters: Type
and GroupName
'Type' => 'debtor',
'GroupName' => 'Your group name',
Required parameter: Identifier
'Identifier' => $groupId,
'GroupName' => 'Your group name',
Required parameter: Identifier
$weFact->group()->show(['Identifier' => $groupId]);
Required parameter: Identifier
$weFact->group()->delete(['Identifier' => $groupId]);
Required parameters: DebtorCode
or DebtorCode
and InvoiceLines
'DebtorCode' => 'DB10000',
'InvoiceLines' => [
'Number' => 1,
'ProductCode' => 'P0001'
'Description' => 'Your product description',
'PriceExcl' => 100
Required parameter: Identifier
or InvoiceCode
'Identifier' => $invoiceId,
'InvoiceLines' => [
'Number' => 1,
'ProductCode' => 'P0001'
'Description' => 'Your product description',
'PriceExcl' => 100
Required parameter: Identifier
or InvoiceCode
$weFact->invoice()->show(['Identifier' => $invoiceId]);
// or
$weFact->invoice()->show(['InvoiceCode' => $invoiceCode]);
Required parameter: Identifier
or InvoiceCode
$weFact->invoice()->delete(['Identifier' => $invoiceId]);
// or
$weFact->invoice()->delete(['InvoiceCode' => $invoiceCode]);
Required parameter: Identifier
or InvoiceCode
$weFact->invoice()->credit(['Identifier' => $invoiceId]);
// or
$weFact->invoice()->credit(['InvoiceCode' => $invoiceCode]);
Required parameter: Identifier
or InvoiceCode
$weFact->invoice()->partPayment(['Identifier' => $invoiceId]);
// or
$weFact->invoice()->partPayment(['InvoiceCode' => $invoiceCode]);
Required parameter: Identifier
or InvoiceCode
$weFact->invoice()->markAsPaid(['Identifier' => $invoiceId]);
// or
$weFact->invoice()->markAsPaid(['InvoiceCode' => $invoiceCode]);
Required parameter: Identifier
or InvoiceCode
$weFact->invoice()->markAsUnpaid(['Identifier' => $invoiceId]);
// or
$weFact->invoice()->markAsUnpaid(['InvoiceCode' => $invoiceCode]);
Required parameter: Identifier
or InvoiceCode
$weFact->invoice()->sendByEmail(['Identifier' => $invoiceId]);
// or
$weFact->invoice()->sendByEmail(['InvoiceCode' => $invoiceCode]);
Required parameter: Identifier
or InvoiceCode
$weFact->invoice()->sendReminderByEmail(['Identifier' => $invoiceId]);
// or
$weFact->invoice()->sendReminderByEmail(['InvoiceCode' => $invoiceCode]);
Required parameter: Identifier
or InvoiceCode
$weFact->invoice()->download(['Identifier' => $invoiceId]);
// or
$weFact->invoice()->download(['InvoiceCode' => $invoiceCode]);
Required parameter: Identifier
or InvoiceCode
$weFact->invoice()->block(['Identifier' => $invoiceId]);
// or
$weFact->invoice()->block(['InvoiceCode' => $invoiceCode]);
Required parameter: Identifier
or InvoiceCode
$weFact->invoice()->unblock(['Identifier' => $invoiceId]);
// or
$weFact->invoice()->unblock(['InvoiceCode' => $invoiceCode]);
Required parameter: Identifier
or InvoiceCode
and ScheduledAt
'Identifier' => $invoiceId,
'ScheduledAt' => '2020-01-01 00:00:00'
// or
'InvoiceCode' => $invoiceCode,
'ScheduledAt' => '2020-01-01 00:00:00'
Required parameter: Identifier
or InvoiceCode
$weFact->invoice()->cancelSchedule(['Identifier' => $invoiceId]);
// or
$weFact->invoice()->cancelSchedule(['InvoiceCode' => $invoiceCode]);
Required parameter: Identifier
or InvoiceCode
$weFact->invoice()->paymentProcessPause(['Identifier' => $invoiceId]);
// or
$weFact->invoice()->paymentProcessPause(['InvoiceCode' => $invoiceCode]);
Required parameter: Identifier
or InvoiceCode
$weFact->invoice()->paymentProcessReactivate(['Identifier' => $invoiceId]);
// or
$weFact->invoice()->paymentProcessReactivate(['InvoiceCode' => $invoiceCode]);
Required parameter: Identifier
or InvoiceCode
and InvoiceLines Identifier
'Identifier' => $invoiceId,
'InvoiceLines' => [
'Identifier' => $invoiceLineId,
Required parameter: Identifier
or InvoiceCode
and InvoiceLines
'Identifier' => $invoiceId,
'InvoiceLines' => [
'Number' => 1,
'ProductCode' => 'P0001'
Required parameter: Identifier
or InvoiceCode
and InvoiceLines Identifier
'Identifier' => $invoiceId,
'InvoiceLines' => [
'Identifier' => $invoiceLineId,
Required parameter: ReferenceIdentifier
or InvoiceCode
, Tyoe
, Filename
and Base64
'ReferenceIdentifier' => $invoiceId,
'Type' => 'invoice',
'Filename' => 'test.pdf',
'Base64' => 'base64string'
Required parameter: Identifier
or Filename
, ReferenceIdentifier
or InvoiceCode
and Type
'Identifier' => $attachmentId,
'ReferenceIdentifier' => $invoiceId,
'Type' => 'invoice',
Required parameter: Identifier
or Filename
, ReferenceIdentifier
or InvoiceCode
and Type
'ReferenceIdentifier' => $invoiceId,
'Filename' => 'test.pdf',
'Type' => 'invoice',
Required parameters: ProductName
, ProductKeyPhrase
and PriceExcl
'ProductName' => 'Your product name',
'ProductKeyPhrase' => 'Your product key phrase',
'PriceExcl' => 100
Required parameter: Identifier
or ProductCode
'Identifier' => $productId,
'ProductName' => 'Your product name',
'ProductKeyPhrase' => 'Your product key phrase',
'PriceExcl' => 100
Required parameter: Identifier
$weFact->product()->show(['Identifier' => $productId]);
Required parameter: Identifier
or ProductCode
$weFact->product()->delete(['Identifier' => $productId]);
// or
$weFact->product()->delete(['ProductCode' => $productCode]);
Required parameters: Title
'Title' => 'Your cost category title',
Required parameter: Identifier
'Identifier' => $costCategoryId,
Required parameter: Identifier
$weFact->costCategory()->show(['Identifier' => $costCategoryId]);
Required parameter: Identifier
$weFact->costCategory()->delete(['Identifier' => $costCategoryId]);
Required parameters: Debtor
or DebtorCode
and ProductCode
. When ProductCode
is empty, Description
, PriceExcl
and Periodic
are required.
Please note: You can pass either the
or theTerminationDate
, not both. TheTerminateAfter
includes the number of times the subscription has been billed in the past.
'DebtorCode' => 'DB10000',
'ProductCode' => 'P0001',
'Description' => 'Your product description',
'PriceExcl' => 100,
'Periodic' => 'month',
'TerminateAfter' => 12
Required parameter: Identifier
Please note: You can pass either the
or theTerminationDate
, not both. TheTerminateAfter
includes the number of times the subscription has been billed in the past.
'Identifier' => $subscriptionId,
'Description' => 'Your product description',
'PriceExcl' => 100,
'Periodic' => 'month',
'TerminateAfter' => 12
Required parameter: Identifier
$weFact->subscription()->show(['Identifier' => $subscriptionId]);
composer test
Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.