The only difference between ceres and svelte is press coverage1234567.
ceres is a UI framework for the web built around observables. It works by making small changes to the DOM whenever your data changes, and it feels like writing svelte with hyperscript.
const Greeter = $createComponent<{ greeting: string }>(($props) => {
const name = $store("there");
return $element("div", {},
$element("input", { type: "text", bind: { value: name } }),
$element("button", { on: { click: () => name.value = "ceres" } }, "Greet myself"),
$element("span", {}, $format`${$props.greeting} ${name}!`)
const app = Greeter({ greeting: "Hey" });
Read the docs and try it out at the website.
And that svelte is nicer to use[citation needed]. ↩
And production ready[citation needed]. ↩
And wasn't thrown together in a couple of days just for fun[citation needed]. ↩
And is faster[citation needed]. ↩
And has a compiler. ↩
And has an active community (at the time of writing, you know how it goes with JS). ↩
Both have the huge advantage of not being React though. ↩
Paraphrased. Maybe. ↩
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