Since Apple is deprecating bitcode tecnology, ios-sdk-bitcode-demo is deprecated as well. For nonbitcode demo, please check: ios-sdk-swift-demo
This repository contains example of how to include Bitcode version of Voximplant iOS SDK.
Copy Voximplant Bitcode helper and Gemfile to your project directory
Install bundler gem with
$ (sudo) gem install bundler
Add this lines to your
:def voximplant sdk_version = '2.41.1' require_relative 'voximplant_bitcode' Voximplant::prepare_voximplant_pods sdk_version pod 'VoxImplantSDK', :path => "./Pods/VoxImplantSDK" pod 'VoxImplantWebRTC', :path => "./Pods/VoxImplantWebRTC" end
pod 'VoxImplantSDK'
lines tovoximplant
Run this commands
$ bundle install $ bundle exec pod install
Open generated .xcworkspace
Download and extract Voximplant iOS SDK and Voximplant WebRTC
Edit your
by replacingpod 'VoxImplantSDK'
lines by:pod 'VoxImplantSDK', :path => "Path/To/Extracted/VoxImplant_bitcode" pod 'VoxImplantWebRTC', :path => "Path/To/Extracted/VoxImplantWebRTC_bitcode"
pod install
Open generated .xcworkspace