- Update native Android and iOS modules to use Voximplant Android SDK 2.31.0 and Voximplant iOS SDK 2.46.3
- Introduce new API to get a call duration - Call.getDuration
- Introduce simulcast feature support for video conference. Simulcast is currently disabled by default, but can be enabled via CallSettings.enableSimulcast parameter.
- Introduce new APIs to control remote video streams in a video conference call:
- Endpoint.startReceiving - Starts receiving video on the video stream.
- Endpoint.stopReceiving - Stops receiving video on the video stream.
- Endpoint.requestVideoSize - Requests the specified video size for the video stream.
The stream resolution may be changed to the closest to the specified width and height.
- Introduced Endpoint.VoiceActivityStarted and Endpoint.VoiceActivityStopped API to handle voice activity of an endpoint in a conference call.