Fully Bayesian Inference in GPs - learning hyperparameter distributions with different likelihoods and inference techniques. This repo is a work in progress.
- Gaussian (Regression)
- Bernoulli Probit (Classification)
- SoftMax (Multi-Class)
- Log Cox Posisson (Regression)
- SGPR (Titsias, 2009)
- SVGP (Hensman, 2013 / Hensman, 2015)
- BayesianSVGP (new)
- BayesianSGPR_HMC (new)
- Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (pymc3)
- Stochastic Variational Inference (SVI) (gpytorch/pytorch)
- Elliptical Slice Sampling (pymc3)
- Dynamic Nested Sampling (dynesty)
Please set the working directory to the parent folder which containst the following sub-folders
- Data loading and visualisation utilities.
- Scripts for running experiments and generating plots.
- Classes and methods which encapsulate inference.
- Tables, logging and directory for plots.