Coverage testing tool for The Go Programming Language
go get
There are currently three gocov commands: test
, report
and annotate
Running gocov test <package>
will, for the specified package,
instrument all imported packages not part of the standard library,
and run "go test". Upon completion, coverage data will be emitted
in the form of a JSON document.
By default only the specified package will be instrumented and consequently have coverage information provided for. There are several flags that can change this behaviour.
By running gocov test -deps <package>
you direct gocov to recursively
instrument package dependencies, in which case coverage information
will be provided for all dependencies as well. The coverage information
provided is relative only to the tests run in the originally specified
e.g. If you run gocov test -deps net/http
, then you will see
coverage information not just for net/http
, but also its dependencies;
the output tells you what code in the dependencies is exercised when the
tests are run.
If you specify -deps
but wish to exclude a specific package from
instrumentation, you can pass an additional -exclude
flag, e.g.
gocov test -deps -exclude comma,separated,packages
. If you wish to
exclude all packages in GOROOT, then you can use the shortcut
flag instead.
Running gocov report <coverage.json>
will generate a textual
report from the coverage data output by gocov test
. It is
assumed that the source code has not changed in between.
Output from gocov test
is logged to stdout so users with
POSIX compatible terminals can direct the output to gocov report
to view a summary of the test coverage, for example: -
gocov test mypackage | gocov report
Running gocov annotate <coverage.json> <package[.receiver].function>
will generate a source listing of the specified function, annotating
it with coverage information, such as which lines have been missed.
GoCovGUI: A simple GUI wrapper for the gocov coverage analysis tool.
gocov-html: A simple helper tool for generating HTML output from gocov.
gocov-xml: A simple helper tool for generating XML output in Cobertura format for CIs like Jenkins and others from gocov.
goveralls: Go integration for continuous code coverage tracking system.