I needed a cloudwatch transport for winston 3... and here it is.
It's a very no-frills project, but it's worked well for me so far.
You create the transport and call start()
to make it start shipping logs.
It will create the log group and stream if they don't exist, and set a retention policy as well (defaults to 7 days).
One other thing worth noting is that any error it encounters will kill your whole process. Just throwing exceptions would be more normal, but failed promises have a bad habit of being silent or at least subtle, and I didn't want my process to silently stop shipping logs.
To stop the transport, you can call flushAndStop()
, which returns a promise.
Here's an example usage:
const winston = require("winston");
const CloudwatchLogsTransport = require("winston3-simple-cloudwatch-transport");
const cloudwatchLogsTransport = new CloudwatchLogsTransport({
logGroupName: "my-log-group",
logStreamName: `${require("os").hostname()}_${process.pid}`,
cloudWatchLogsConfig: { region: 'us-east-1' } // assumes you've configured your environment for AWS calls
cloudwatchLogsTransport.start(); // this returns a promise, but it's not a precondition to logging stuff
const logger = winston.createLogger({
level: 'info',
format: winston.format.json(),
transports: [
new winston.transports.Console({ format: winston.format.simple(), level: 'error' }),
logger.info("this is a log message");
logger.error("this is a more troubling message");
cloudwatchLogsTransport.flushAndStop().then(_ => process.exit(0));