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L40->L50 stmt
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formalize committed Feb 16, 2022
1 parent 4ba1afc commit 025cf39
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Showing 17 changed files with 3,582 additions and 123 deletions.
15 changes: 11 additions & 4 deletions Config.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Class VyperConfig := {
string_set_impl: FSet.class String.string_dec string_set;
string_map: Type -> Type;
string_map_impl: forall t: Type, Map.class String.string_dec t (string_map t);
world_state: Type;
world_state: Type; (* includes memory *)
uint256: Type;
Z_of_uint256: uint256 -> Z;
uint256_of_Z: Z -> uint256;
Expand All @@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ Class VyperConfig := {
memory: Type;
memory_impl: OpenArray.class (uint256_of_Z 0%Z) memory;
string_hash: string -> uint256;
mload: world_state -> uint256 -> uint256;
world_except_memory: Type;
get_world_except_memory: world_state -> world_except_memory;

Lemma two_to_256_ne_0: (2^256 <> 0)%Z.
Expand All @@ -39,17 +42,21 @@ Definition sample_config
string_set_impl := FSet.string_avl_set_impl;
string_map := Map.string_avl_map;
string_map_impl := Map.string_avl_map_impl;
world_state := Map.string_avl_map Z;
world_state := Map.string_avl_map Z * list Z;
uint256 := Z;
Z_of_uint256 u := (u mod 2^256)%Z;
uint256_of_Z z := (z mod 2^256)%Z;
uint256_ok z := Z.mod_mod _ _ two_to_256_ne_0;
uint256_range u := Z.mod_pos_bound _ _ two_to_256_pos;
storage_lookup := let _ := Map.string_avl_map_impl in Map.lookup;
storage_insert := let _ := Map.string_avl_map_impl in Map.insert;
storage_lookup w := let _ := Map.string_avl_map_impl in Map.lookup (fst w);
storage_insert w key val := (let _ := Map.string_avl_map_impl in Map.insert (fst w) key val,
snd w);
memory := list Z;
memory_impl := OpenArray.list_inst 0%Z;
string_hash := fun s => (Z.of_N (keccak_256_N_of_string s))%Z;
mload w addr := List.nth (Z.to_nat (addr mod 2^256)) (snd w) 0%Z;
world_except_memory := Map.string_avl_map Z;
get_world_except_memory := fst

Definition zero256 {C: VyperConfig} := uint256_of_Z 0%Z.
Expand Down
49 changes: 49 additions & 0 deletions From40To50/Builtins.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
From Coq Require Import String NArith ZArith DecimalString List Lia.

From Vyper Require Import Config NaryFun.
From Vyper.CheckArith Require Import Builtins.
From Vyper.L10 Require Import Base.
From Vyper.L40 Require AST.
From Vyper.L50 Require AST.
From Vyper.L50 Require Import Types Expr.

From Vyper.L40Metered Require Import Interpret.

From Vyper.From40To50 Require Import Translate Proto.

(* We need to wrap L50 builtins into L40 versions
that perform the same typechecks that the L50 interpreter does.
This is not really necessary with the default list of builtins which is all u256-typed
(address is not a Yul type and is not typechecked).

Typecheck each argument of a [nary_fun].
Equivalent to running [L50.Builtins.mass_typecheck] before calling
except no length check on input_types is performed.
Fixpoint embed_typechecks {C: VyperConfig}
{arity: nat}
{ReturnType: Type}
(f: NaryFun.nary_fun uint256 arity (world_state * expr_result ReturnType))
(input_types: list yul_type)
(world: world_state)
: NaryFun.nary_fun uint256 arity (world_state * expr_result ReturnType)
:= match arity, f with
| 0, result => result
| S arity', g =>
match input_types with
| nil => g
| (head_type :: tail_types)%list =>
fun arg =>

66 changes: 0 additions & 66 deletions From40To50/Expr.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -52,37 +52,6 @@ refine (local_vars_agree_weaken _ Ok).

(** Value agreement between L40 and L50.
[n]: expected length of [e50]
The tricky part here is that L50 might have no value where L40 sees zero.
Definition ExprResultsAgree {C: VyperConfig}
(e40: expr_result uint256)
(e50: expr_result (list dynamic_value))
(n: N)
:= match e40, e50 with
| ExprAbort a40, ExprAbort a50 => a40 = a50
| ExprSuccess v40, ExprSuccess nil => Z_of_uint256 v40 = 0%Z /\ n = 0%N
| ExprSuccess v40, ExprSuccess (v50 :: nil) => (* v40 = uint256_of_dynamic_value v50 *)
v50 = (existT _ U256 (yul_uint256 v40)) /\ n = 1%N
| _, _ => False

(** Value agreement between L40 and L50, a variant with u256 list on the L50 side.
[n]: expected length of [e50]
The tricky part here is that L50 might have no value where L40 sees zero.
Definition ExprResultsAgree256 {C: VyperConfig}
(e40: expr_result uint256)
(e50: expr_result (list uint256))
(n: N)
:= match e40, e50 with
| ExprAbort a40, ExprAbort a50 => a40 = a50
| ExprSuccess v40, ExprSuccess nil => Z_of_uint256 v40 = 0%Z /\ n = 0%N
| ExprSuccess v40, ExprSuccess (v50 :: nil) => v40 = v50 /\ n = 1%N
| _, _ => False

(** Same as [ExprResultsAgree] but lifted to [world_state * option]. *)
Definition ResultsAgree {C: VyperConfig}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,41 +123,6 @@ Definition LoopCursorsAgree {C: VyperConfig}

Definition BuiltinsAgree {C: VyperConfig}
(b40: builtin)
(b50: L50.Builtins.yul_builtin)
(B50InputsU256: L50.Builtins.all_are_u256 (L50.Builtins.b_input_types b50) = true)
(B50OutputssU256: L50.Builtins.all_are_u256 (L50.Builtins.b_output_types b50) = true)
:= let '(existT _ arity f40) := b40 in
arity = List.length (L50.Builtins.b_input_types b50)
forall (world: world_state) (args: list uint256)
(LenOk40: arity =? List.length args = true)
(LenOk50: List.length (Builtins.b_input_types b50) = List.length args),
let (w40, e40) := (call_builtin args LenOk40 (f40 world)) in
let (w50, e50) := (call_builtin_u256 b50 world args LenOk50) in
w40 = w50 /\ ExprResultsAgree256 e40 e50
(N.of_nat (List.length (L50.Builtins.b_output_types b50))).

Definition AllBuiltinsAgreeIfU256 {C: VyperConfig}
(builtins40: string -> option builtin)
(builtins50: string -> option L50.Builtins.yul_builtin)
:= forall name: string,
match builtins50 name with
| None => True
| Some b50 =>
(if L50.Builtins.all_are_u256 (L50.Builtins.b_input_types b50) as z return _ = z -> _
fun i256 =>
(if L50.Builtins.all_are_u256 (L50.Builtins.b_output_types b50) as z return _ = z -> _
then fun o256 =>
match builtins40 name with
| None => False
| Some b40 => BuiltinsAgree b40 b50 i256 o256
else fun _ => True) eq_refl
else fun _ => True) eq_refl

Lemma if_yes_prop cond yes no
(E: cond = true):
Expand Down
141 changes: 141 additions & 0 deletions From40To50/Mangle.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
From Coq Require Import Ascii String List NArith DecimalString DecimalN DecimalPos.

From Vyper Require Import Config.
From Vyper.CheckArith Require Import Builtins.
From Vyper.L10 Require Import Base.

From Vyper.From40To50 Require Import Translate Proto.

Definition starts_with_dollar (s: string)
: bool
:= match s with
| String "$"%char _ => true
| _ => false

Lemma starts_with_dollar_eqb (head: ascii) (tail: string):
starts_with_dollar (String head tail) = Ascii.eqb head "$"%char.
destruct head as (b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7).
now destruct b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7.

(** [translate_fun_decls] prefixes everything with '$'. *)
Lemma translated_decls_start_with_dollar {C: VyperConfig}
{B: builtin_names_config}
{protos: string_map proto}
(decls40: string_map L40.AST.decl)
(decls50: string_map L50.AST.fun_decl)
(DeclsOk: translate_fun_decls B protos decls40 = inr decls50)
(name: string)
(Ok: map_lookup decls50 name <> None):
starts_with_dollar name = true.
unfold translate_fun_decls in DeclsOk.
remember (Map.items decls40) as items40. clear Heqitems40.
revert decls50 DeclsOk Ok.
induction items40 as [|(k,v)]; intros; cbn in DeclsOk.
inversion DeclsOk. subst. unfold map_lookup in Ok.
now rewrite Map.empty_lookup in Ok.
destruct (translate_fun_decl B protos v). { discriminate. }
destruct alist_maybe_map_kv. { discriminate. }
cbn in DeclsOk. inversion DeclsOk. subst. clear DeclsOk.
unfold map_lookup in Ok. rewrite Map.insert_ok in Ok.
remember (string_dec (String "$" k) name) as found.
destruct found. { now subst. }
unfold map_lookup in IHitems40.
now refine (IHitems40 _ _ Ok).

(** The same as the previous one but more convenient to use for builtins. *)
Lemma unmangled_names_are_not_translated {C: VyperConfig}
{B: builtin_names_config}
{protos: string_map proto}
(decls40: string_map L40.AST.decl)
(decls50: string_map L50.AST.fun_decl)
(DeclsOk: translate_fun_decls B protos decls40 = inr decls50)
(name: string)
(Ok: starts_with_dollar name = false):
map_lookup decls50 name = None.
remember (map_lookup decls50 name) as d. destruct d; trivial.
assert (NE: map_lookup decls50 name <> None). { rewrite<- Heqd. discriminate. }
rewrite (translated_decls_start_with_dollar decls40 decls50 DeclsOk name NE) in Ok.

Lemma mangled_safety_equiv {T} (builtins: string -> option T):
(forall x, builtins ("$" ++ x)%string = None)
(forall x, builtins x <> None -> starts_with_dollar x = false).
intros H x Ok.
destruct x as [|head]. { easy. }
rewrite starts_with_dollar_eqb.
remember ((head =? "$")%char) as head_is_dollar. destruct head_is_dollar. 2:trivial.
symmetry in Heqhead_is_dollar. apply Ascii.eqb_eq in Heqhead_is_dollar.
subst. exfalso. exact (Ok (H x)).
intros H x.
assert (Ok := H (String "$"%char x)). clear H.
remember (builtins (String "$" x)) as b. destruct b. 2:trivial.
clear Heqb. cbn in Ok. exfalso. assert (W: Some t <> None) by discriminate.
assert (Ok' := Ok W). discriminate.


(* not in standard library? oh well *)
Lemma string_app_l_inj (a b c: string)
(E: (a ++ b = a ++ c)%string):
b = c.
induction a as [|h]. { easy. }
cbn in E. inversion E. tauto.

(* why is it not in stdlib? *)
Lemma to_uint_nonnil (a: N):
N.to_uint a <> Decimal.Nil.
destruct a as [|p]. { easy. }
cbn. apply Unsigned.to_uint_nonnil.

Lemma string_of_N_inj (a b: N)
(E: NilZero.string_of_uint (N.to_uint a)
NilZero.string_of_uint (N.to_uint b)):
a = b.
assert (UsuA := NilZero.usu (N.to_uint a) (to_uint_nonnil a)).
assert (UsuB := NilZero.usu (N.to_uint b) (to_uint_nonnil b)).
apply DecimalN.Unsigned.to_uint_inj.
enough (Q: Some (N.to_uint a) = Some (N.to_uint b)) by now inversion Q.
rewrite<- UsuA. rewrite<- UsuB.
now rewrite E.

Lemma make_var_name_inj (prefix: string) (a b: N)
(E: make_var_name prefix a = make_var_name prefix b):
a = b.
cbn in E. inversion E. apply string_of_N_inj.
apply string_app_l_inj with (a := prefix). assumption.

Lemma make_var_name_inj' (prefix: string) (a b: N)
(NE: a <> b):
make_var_name prefix a <> make_var_name prefix b.
intro E. apply NE.
exact (make_var_name_inj prefix a b E).

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