Releases: wadpac/GGIR
Releases · wadpac/GGIR
Puesto Esperanza
- Part 1: Now able to process modern .gt3x data with thanks to R package read.gt3x.
- Part 1: Timegaps and zeros across all three axes in ActiGraph data (.csv and .gt3x) now automatically imputed.
- Adding BrondCounts as optional acceleration metric and dependency on activityCounts, and enabling Sadeh and Galland algorithms to use it.
Frutillar Alto
- Part 1: Depricating function g.metric as its functionality has been taken over by g.applymetrics.
- Part 2: Adding warning when ID cannot be extracted from file based on argument idloc.
- Part 4: Empty or incomplete sleeplog rows now better ignored
- Part 4: No longer an R warning is given when ID is missing in sleeplog, because this is common and user can already see it in csv reports.
La Guamas
- Part 3: Now makes sure that HASPT is skipped when user configures def.noc.sleep as a set time window. This
feature that probaly few people use nowadays broke with the 2.5-0 release. - Now gives warning when user supplies double arguments.
- Part 4: Now warns when none of the IDs in the sleeplog could be matched with accelerometer data.
- Part 1: read.myacc.csv fix bug with argument rmc.check4timegaps
- Part 3: Fix #472 SRI calculation not possible when complete absence of sleep in recording
- Part 5: Experimental nap detection added to report and time series, currently only model for 3.5 year olds available.
Cachuela Esperanza
Minor fixes:
- Removing forced assignment of sleepwindowType argument to "SPT"
- Reviving setwindow option def.noc.sleep, which broke
- Vignette expanded with documentation on non-default variables in part 4 csv report
- Vignette added with a tutorial on how to do segmented day analysis
- Part 1: The sensor fussion functionality introduced in version 2.2-2, as a bit
of an experimental development, has now been removed from GGIR as added value turned out
to be limited. - Part 2: ID extraction code tidied up, and new idloc argument options added.
- Part 2: Activity log can now also have empty days.
- Part 2: Now also exported in long format if qwindow has length longer than 2.
- Part 3 and 4 expanded with Sleep Regularity Index.
- Part 4 number of awakenings is now also in the output per user request.
- Part 5 LUX per segment calculation bug fixes.
- visualreport code modified such that it visualises any day with at least 30 minutes of data
unless sleep could not be estimated from the corresponding night.
- Part 1 now able to derive zero-crossing counts needed for Sadeh algorithm
- Part 2 function g.conv.actlog to use activity log to guide qwindow now able to tailor dateformat
- Part 3 now option to tailor SPT detection for hip data by using horizontal longitudinal angle as indicator of lying
- Part 3 code restructured to estimate SPT and SIB in separated function (HASIB and HASPT) such that g.sib.det is more readable.
- Part 3 now option to select SIB algorithm, including: vanHees2015, Sadeh1994, and Galland2012
- Part 4 now able to handle more advance sleeplog format that also contain nap and nonwear entries per date
- Part 4 report now includes guider estimates also in 'cleaned' report
- Part 4 WASO and NOA (Number of awakenings) added to output
- Part 4 Able to handle time in bed diaries/algorithms, and generates sleep latency and sleep efficiency estimate if available.
- Part 5 now able to export sustained inactivity bouts and self-reported naps and nonwear to csv report to aid nap analaysis.
- Part 5 numeric timing of MX-metrics changed to be hour of the day
- Part 5 Lux per segment variables now turn LUX during SPT to zero
- Part 4 legend added to visualisation
- Part 5 bug fixed that caused part5 single row output to be stored as a single column
- Part 1 fixed bug related to g.getmeta reading movisens files
- Part 1 resampling function expanded with option to choose interpolation technique
- Part 3 fixed bug introduced in 2.4-0 making it impossible to process long
recordings with many sustained inactivity bouts
- Part 5 LUX variables per segment of the day improved
- Removing calls to closeAllConnections as requested by CRAN
- Part 5 fragmentation analysis added
- Part 5 report, added argument week_weekend_aggregate.part5
- Part 5 intensity gradient now also extracted here for waking hours
- Part 5 LUX variables added (beta-implementation as this is work in progress and may even change before CRAN release)
- Part 2 and 5, Bout detection algorithm improved, bout.metric 6 is now the default.
- Parts 1, 2, 3 and 5: Added argument maxNcores to control maximum number of cores to be used in parallel processing mode
- Part 1 fixed bug related with ENMOa calculation which made the metashort data frame to be empty.
- Part 2 fixed bug to report generation in part 2.
- Fixed bug related to visualization report when a file has not been processed in part 4
El Trapiche
- Part 1 when using ad-hoc data format: now able to handle timestamp column.
- Part 2 report when using ad-hoc data format with header: now able to extract
and store serial number in part2 report. - Test file generation for unit tests improved. Thanks Lena Kushleyeva.
- Part 2 estimation of longitudinal axis and related error handling improved