CSchem and CPCB are a pair of programs for electronic circuit design and PCB layout. Key features include:
CSchem makes it easy to draw publication-quality designs.
CSchem allows you to focus squarely on design principles and worry about implementation details later.
CSchem can export designs as SVG files for direct import into Inkscape, Corel Draw, etc.
CPCB allows linking a schematic to a PCB layout and offers highlighting of incomplete or wrongly connected nets.
CPCB can export layouts as Gerber files for direct upload to fabricators such as JLCPCB and many others.
Both programs have simple and intuitive user interfaces with fast learning curves for nonexperts.
CSchem and CPCB are free and open source and can be compiled on Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Installation instructions, tutorials, and user guides for CSchem and CPCB are now on ReadTheDocs.