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A modular financial data scraping, analysis, and trading system.

CLI:6a858cf YFinance API Scraper

Quick Start

# Clone the repo
git clone
cd tiny-ria

# Download the latest CLI release
curl -L -o quotron "$(curl -s | grep -o '[^/]*/.*linux')"
chmod +x quotron

# Start the YFinance proxy (no API key required)
./quotron start yfinance-proxy

# Fetch stock data
cd quotron/api-scraper
go build -o api-scraper ./cmd/main/main.go
./api-scraper --yahoo --symbol AAPL


Quotron is a modular financial data system with the following key components:

  • CLI (Go): Unified interface for managing all services and operations
  • API Scraper (Go): Fetches data from financial APIs with automatic failover
    • Alpha Vantage provider for authentic market data
    • Yahoo Finance provider as a free alternative with higher rate limits
  • Browser Scraper (Python/Playwright): Extracts data from JS-heavy websites
  • API Service (Go): Middleware layer that provides a standardized API interface
  • Storage (PostgreSQL): Persists financial data for historical analysis
  • Scheduler (Go): Orchestrates recurring data collection tasks
  • Health (Go): Monitors and reports on the health of all services

The system is designed with resilience in mind - components can operate independently and gracefully degrade when dependencies are unavailable.

Data Flow

  1. Collection: CLI triggers data collection via Scheduler or direct commands
  2. Acquisition: API Scraper fetches financial data with automatic source failover
  3. Processing: Data undergoes validation, normalization, and enrichment
  4. Storage: Processed data is persisted to PostgreSQL for historical analysis
  5. Access: Applications retrieve data through the API Service's unified interface
  6. Monitoring: Health component continuously tracks service status and data quality

CLI Reference

Quotron - Financial data system CLI

Usage: quotron [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]

  --config FILE      Path to config file
  --log-level LEVEL  Set log level (debug, info, warn, error)
  --force            Force operations even if conflicts detected
  --gen-config       Generate default config file
  --monitor          Monitor services and restart if they fail

  start [SERVICE...]  Start services (all or specified services)
  stop [SERVICE...]   Stop services (all or specified services)
  status              Show status of all services
  test [TEST]         Run tests (all or specified test)
  import-sp500        Import S&P 500 data
  scheduler <SUBCOMMAND>  Manage or interact with the scheduler:
                       - jobs: List configured jobs
                       - run-job <JOBNAME>: Run a job immediately
                       - next-runs: Show upcoming execution times
                       - status: Show scheduler status
                       - help: Show detailed scheduler help
  health              Check health of services
  help                Show this help message

  all                 All services (default)
  proxy               YFinance proxy only
  api                 API service only
  dashboard           Dashboard only
  scheduler           Scheduler only
  etl                 ETL service only

  all                 All tests (default)
  api                 API service tests
  integration         Integration tests
  job JOBNAME         Run a specific job test


API Keys

To run the API scrapers with real data, you'll need:

  • Alpha Vantage API key (set as ALPHA_VANTAGE_API_KEY environment variable)

GitHub Actions

The repo includes several CI workflows:

  1. CLI Release Workflow: Builds and publishes the Quotron CLI as a GitHub release
  2. Yahoo Finance Tests: Verifies the Yahoo Finance proxy and direct API integration
  3. API Scraper Tests: Tests the API scraper with Alpha Vantage and integration tests

Status badges at the top of this README show the current health of these workflows.

Setting Up API Keys

To enable API tests in GitHub Actions, add your Alpha Vantage API key as a repository secret:

  • Go to Settings β†’ Secrets β†’ Actions β†’ New repository secret
  • Value: Your API key

Using the CLI

The Quotron CLI binary is published as a GitHub release and can be used to manage all services:

# Start services
./quotron start yfinance-proxy
./quotron start api-service

# Check service status
./quotron status

# Stop services
./quotron stop yfinance-proxy
./quotron stop api-service

# Check health
./quotron health
